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Premier Law Group Hits Back Harder!

No Win No Fee.
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Injured In An Accident You Didn’t Cause And Facing Financial Repercussions Such As Lost Wages, Mounting Medical Bills, And Other Expenses?

Unfortunately, many victims don’t receive the compensation they deserve from those responsible. Personal injury accident victims can have lifelong challenges as a result of someone else's negligence.

Premier Law Group works tirelessly to secure compensation that is sufficient to accommodate all of your current and future needs. If the insurance company will not consider a fair settlement proposal, we will fight to win your case in court.

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Working with a personal injury attorney can get you up to 350% more in settlement money, than those who don’t hire an attorney.


700+ Google-Reviews-img Reviews

Alexandra Phinizy

Jason, en Grupo Para La Gente, es realmente una persona excepcional. Nuestro caso particular no era algo que su firma acostumbre ver, pero estaban más que dispuestos a ayudarnos y darnos toda la información que tenían disponible. No puedo recomendarlos lo suficiente.

Alexandra Phinizy
Brionny Koehler

¡Muy feliz! Son muy amables, comprensivos y comunicativos y realmente trabajan duro para tu mejor interés. También son totalmente directos, sobre todo, y son muy claros en cada paso del camino. Los recomendaría altamente para cualquier reclamo por lesiones personales.

Brionny Koehler
aguja espacial de seattle

Jason Epstein me trató con respeto y me explicó el proceso y lo que es importante para mi, con paciencia. Recomendaría a Jason a cualquier persona que necesite un abogado que se preocupe. Él tiene su mejor interés y se preocupa por ti y te da excelentes consejos. ¡Lo recomiendo mucho!

pecado l
Betania Hensley

Fui a Grupo Para La Gente para que me ayudaran con un accidente automovilístico en el que me chocaron por detrás. Fueron receptivos y muy útiles en las negociaciones con la otra compañía de seguros. Recibí un acuerdo justo y estaba feliz de que se encargaran de todas las negociaciones por mi. ¡Te lo recomiendo mucho!

Betania H.

Me sentí muy bienvenido e informado en cada paso de mi caso. Todo el proceso, incluido el cierre de mi caso, fue fácil y sin problemas. ¡Gracias por toda tu ayuda!

Ury S.
aguja espacial de seattle

Manejaron los procesos muy delicados relacionados con mi reclamo y lo manejaron de manera extremadamente profesional. Los recomendaría a familiares y amigos.

Ruslan M.
aguja espacial de seattle

Después de escuchar al bufete de abogados, la compañía de seguros llegó a un acuerdo rápido y fácilmente, mientras que nosotros lo habíamos estado intentando durante meses por nuestra cuenta. Absolutamente lo recomendaría.

Carrera H.

Jason y su equipo obtuvieron buenos acuerdos por mis lesiones personales y las de mi hermana, todo con atención personalizada en cada caso. Si deseas ayuda legal directa, transparente y efectiva, debes contactar a esta firma.

Jordan D.

¿Tienes un caso de lesiones personales?

Dealing with the aftermath of a personal injury accident can be very confusing and frustrating. You know you have injuries and rising medical bills. But you may not know how the process of recovering compensation works.

A skilled attorney could review your injury claim and conduct any necessary investigations. In the process, they will advise you of your legal options and act as your advocate throughout every stage of your case.

Resultados de casos

Deepwater Horizon Accident


Trucking Accident


Accidente Automovilístico


Accidente Automovilístico


Over $100 Million

Recovered For Washington Accident Victims

Core Values

Premier Law Group Hits Back Harder!

We Respect Others And Emphasize Professionalism >

We Prioritize Doing The Right Thing And Holding Each Other Accountable >

We Always Place Our Client’s Interests Before Our Own >

We Deliver An Exceptional Client Customer Service Experience >

We Are Consistent And Focused On Solutions >


Premier Law Group Hits Back Harder!


Whether you’ve had a vehicle accident or were injured on the job at sea, at Grupo Para La Gente we fight to make certain you & your injuries are completely taken care of, and Premier Law Group always hits back harder.

Our core values govern how we handle each case and represent every single client. We are always focused on winning big for our clients, providing the utmost level of customer service to each client, and ensuring we put the client and their results ahead of anything and everything else.

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Casos que manejamos

Injured in an accident or incident you didn’t cause and accruing medical debt and other expenses as a result? You may be entitled to compensation. However, you’ll need a skilled personal injury attorney to help you recover what you deserve. At Premier Law Group, our exceptional Washington injury lawyers fight for the rights—and fair recoveries—of accident victims like you.

  • Premises Liability
  • Product Liability
  • Slip & Fall
  • Toxic Torts
  • Accidentes de Camiones
  • Accidentes Laborales
  • Accidentes de Motocicleta
  • Accidentes Automovilísticos
  • Brain/Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Bike Accidents

Insurance Companies & Settlement Offers

Never speak or accept a settlement offer with an insurance without speaking to a personal injury attorney first.

If you are contacted by the insurance company, politely decline to speak with them and refer them to your attorney.

Insurance companies are trying to protect their assets. There’s a lot of money at stake in personal injury accidents. Their goal is to pay you as little possible. They may ask questions in a way that’s designed to trip you up and get you to say something they can use against you.

After an accident, the insurance company may make you a settlement offer. They may tell you this is the best they can possibly do. It can be very tempting to accept their offer. Your medical bills can go up fast, you may not be back at work yet, and getting some money right away can seem like a relief.

That’s why it’s important to consult an experienced personal injury accident attorney before accepting an offer from any insurance company involved in your case. We can determine the true amount of damages you suffered and assess their offer. We can also help you aggressively pursue a claim for the amount of compensation you deserve to receive.

Statute of Limitations for Washington

Generally, victims of a personal injury accident only have a limited time to pursue compensation after an accident.

One Year is the Standard Time Limit for Washington Personal Injury Lawsuits. The statute of limitations that will apply to your Washington personal injury lawsuit can be found at Washington Civil Code section 3492, which says: "Delictual actions are subject to a liberative prescription of one year.