Automobile Liability Insurance


Washington is a fault state, which means a driver who causes an accident is liable to pay for all of the damages or injuries caused.  To ensure that drivers have money to pay for these damages, every driver in Washington is required to have automobile liability insurance. It is very likely that if a driver does not have this insurance, they won’t have the funds to pay for these costs. 

What are the minimum levels of automobile liability insurance in Washington?

In Washington you have to meet a certain minimum to follow the law.  If you don’t have coverage at least up to this minimum, then you could be cited and fined by law enforcement. 

The minimum levels of coverage in Washington include:

  • Bodily injury: $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident
  • Property damage: $10,000 per accident

The bodily injury limitation will stop at $50,000, even when there are more than two people involved. 

Medical bills can add up very quickly after an accidente, and once that money run out, you still have a legal claim against the driver. They just might not be able to pay for your losses.  That is part of the reason that many people choose to carry insurance that has much higher policy limits.

Keep in mind that this coverage does not apply to your own injuries.  If you want that type of insurance, you will likely need to get an additional policy from your insurance company, such as one that pays for medical expenses or property damage. 

What does auto liability insurance cover?

Traditionally, insurance coverage for auto accidents can include just about any type of loss that can occur after an accident.  Property damage and physical injuries are primarily the focus, however it can also pay for things like:

  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Angustia mental
  • Cuentas del hospital
  • Salarios perdidos
  • Loss of earning capacity in the future
  • Pérdida del disfrute de la vida.
  • Loss of companionship

After a accidente automovilistico, auto liability insurance addresses almost any loss that you can claim.  There are some exclusions in individual policies, but they are rare.

Liability coverage should apply even when the owner of the vehicle is not driving the car themselves.  Generally speaking, this is true as long as the person driving had the owner’s consent to drive their vehicle, or was in the household of the vehicle’s owner.

Insurance companies will try to pay out at little as possible when someone makes an auto liability insurance claim.  They may even deny your claim altogether or only offer you a fraction of what your case is really worth.  At Grupo Para La Gente, we have decades of experience helping accidente automovilistico victims get the money they deserve so they can focus on getting better—and we can help you too.  Fill out the form to your right or call us at 206-285-1743 to get your FREE consultation today.