Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Bellevue | WSP establece trampas de velocidad

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As a Seattle car accident attorney, I know that many accidents occur as a direct result of speeding along the highways. Marked speed limits are put in place for the safety of all drivers on the road and when someone violates these speeding laws, they are putting lives at risk including their own. According to a Washington State Patrol Media Release, law officers are cracking down on speeders along the Tukwila area of I-5, in hopes of reducing speed related collisions. Because this area of I-5 is so heavily traveled, state patrol motorcycle troopers chose this spot to pull over speeders during a four day speed trap investigation. At the end of the four days, the troopers had stopped over 100 speeders for violations. It is the belief of the officers that reducing the speed of traffic violators will result in a decreased number of car accidents in these heavily populated areas of the highway. Speed related car accidents can result in serious injury or even death.

De acuerdo con la Consejo Nacional de Seguridad, el exceso de velocidad es el tercer factor que contribuye a los accidentes de tráfico y contribuye a más de 13.000 muertes cada año. Las personas pueden acelerar porque tienen prisa, no prestan atención o no creen que las atrapen. Cualesquiera que sean las razones, el exceso de velocidad es potencialmente muy peligroso. Tómese el tiempo para reducir la velocidad en la carretera.

If you or a family member have been injured in a car accident, you need to contact a dedicated Seattle car accident attorney. Car accidents due to the negligence of others can be extremely devastating. Call me at Premier Law Group and I can help make your decision less stressful by devoting my time to your case in order to ensure you the medical care that you deserve as well as any financial compensation. I will work hard to get you the best possible outcome. For more information and a FREE CONSULTATION, contact me at (206)285-1743.

Abogados de Lesiones Personales de Seattle: Grupo Para La Gente
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