Aumentan los accidentes de motocicleta en Seattle | Abogado de lesiones personales de Seattle

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As the warm summer days start to fade away, hopefully the amount of fatal high speed motorcycle accidents will start to slow down as well. Working as a Seattle motorcycle accident lawyer I have helped several motorcyclists put their lives back together after being hit by a driver that just didn’t see them on the road. But every summer there is a significant increase in the amount of motorcyclists killed because they were riding at reckless speeds and lost control of their bike.

El viernes pasado por la tarde no fue la excepción cuando Brandon Butler, de 28 años, perdió la vida conduciendo a exceso de velocidad por la Interestatal 5 en Tacoma, Washington. Según la Patrulla Estatal, Butler iba a exceso de velocidad e intentaba cambiar de carril cuando perdió el control de su bicicleta chocando primero contra la barrera de concreto y luego contra una señal de tránsito en el arcén. Butler, que era sargento de la Fuerza Aérea, fue declarado muerto en el lugar y es el cuarto miembro del ejército que muere en un accidente de motocicleta a alta velocidad en Washington desde abril de este año.

As a past motorcycle rider myself I know the joys of riding, especially on a beautiful summer day, but I also have first-hand experience with the dangers of riding as I was hit by a distracted driver. Too many riders put their lives at stake when they try and ride at top speed, and so few have the experience necessary to handle their bike going that fast. As a Seattle personal injury lawyer I have seen far too many riders killed because they thought they were above the law and that they had the experience to ride as fast as they could. But regardless of how much experience you have or how good you may think you are, speed limits are there for a reason, and we all need to learn to slow down.

Abogados de Lesiones Personales de Seattle: Grupo Para La Gente
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