A motorcycle accident is not a car accident. Let’s repeat: a motorcycle accident is not a car accident. It seems like that would be common sense, right? For most Washington motorcycle accident lawyers, that simple fact is far from common sense.
Most lawyers wouldn’t know what it is like to be riding down I-90 with nothing between you and the pavement except a layer of leather. Most lawyers wouldn’t know what it is like to be coming down the road and hoping that the car on the side street doesn’t pull out in front of you. And most importantly, most lawyers don’t know what it feels like to have to put your bike down at 40 mph because some idiot doesn’t see you and makes a left hand turn right in front you.
The author of this book knows what it’s like to survive a motorcycle crash
Premier Law Group attorney Jason Epstein does know. He was that guy. He was travelling down the road at 40 when a minivan made a left-hand turn directly in front of him. His options were simple: he could either run into the side of that minivan at full speed, or slam on the brakes and hope to maintain control.
He hit the brakes. We’ll skip the details here but let you know that Jason was hurt. He was also lucky. He survived without serious permanent injuries. He was not maimed or disfigured. With time, he would be okay, which is more than he could say for his bike.
Then came the questions… Which doctor should he go to? Who pays the expensive medical bills? How will he get his bike fixed? What should he say when the insurance company calls? Who pays for missed work? How will he put food on the table? How will he take care of his family? What if he can’t go back to work? What if he’s never the same again?
If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, undoubtedly some of these questions are the ones keeping you up at night. You deserve answers to all of these questions. You deserve to get them from someone who knows, and knows what it’s like to survive a motorcycle crash. That’s why Jason wrote the book this book and why we give it away for free.
When you read The Truth About Washington Motorcycle Accidents, you’ll also learn:
• Ten insider secrets the insurance companies are hiding from you.
• The “service” provided by some lawyers that is actually a “kiss of death” to your claim.
• Why juries are biased against motorcyclists, and how your attorney can overcome this.
• The one insurance company document you should never sign.
Complete the form below and we’ll send you a copy of The Truth About Washington Motorcycle Accidents immediately.
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Jason at premier law group is truly an outstanding individual. Our particular case was not something that their firm usually sees but they were more than willing to help us and give us all of the information they had available. I can't recommend them enough.