Search Results for "spinal cord"

Renton Spinal Cord Injury

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When you think of catastrophic injuries, you may think of those that affect the brain and spine. The spine is literally the backbone of the human body. Any damage to the spinal cord can be catastrophic or even fatal. 

Every year, between 250,000 and 500,000 people suffer a spinal cord injury worldwide. A spinal cord injury can result from damage to the vertebrae and the surrounding tissue. It can also result from a direct injury to the spinal cord itself. This damage may cause temporary or permanent changes to mobility, strength, bodily functions, and sensation. 

Spinal cord injuries can happen in a number of ways. Read on to learn more about the cause and effects.

Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are traumatic (caused by accidents) and non-traumatic (caused by diseases and medical conditions). Here’s a look at the various causes:

  • Motor vehicle accidents. Car, motorcycle, and bicycle accidents are leading causes of spinal cord injuries.
  • Falls. Falls from heights can result in spinal cord injuries, especially in older adults.
  • Sports Injuries. High-impact sports, like football, can lead to spinal cord injuries.
  • Acts of violence. Assault, stabbings, and gunshot wounds may cause spinal cord damage.
  • Medical procedures. Complications during spinal surgery can result in spinal cord injuries.
  • Diseases. Cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis, and inflammation of the spinal cord can contribute to spinal cord injuries. So can iInfections such as meningitis and tuberculosis.
  • Degenerative conditions. Herniated discs and spinal stenosis can compress the spinal cord, causing injury.

Effects of Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries have profound effects on the body. In many cases, the effects are irreversible. Here are some of the most serious effects:

  • Paralysis. Paralysis is the most significant and obvious effect. The degree of paralysis depends on the level and severity of the injury. A person’s arms, legs, or entire body may be paralyzed. 
  • Loss of sensation. Those with spinal cord injuries often experience a loss of sensation below the level of injury. This can include loss of touch and temperature sensation.
  • Respiratory issues. Respiratory muscles may be affected, causing difficulties in breathing and requiring assisted ventilation or other respiratory support.
  • Autonomic dysfunction. Spinal cord injuries can disrupt the autonomic nervous system, leading to problems with blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature regulation.
  • Loss of bladder and bowel control. Control over bladder and bowel function is often impaired, which can result in incontinence and require the use of catheters.
  • Muscle spasms. Many people with spinal cord injuries experience muscle spasms, which can be painful and affect mobility.
  • Chronic pain. Those with spinal cord injuries suffer chronic pain from nerve damage and muscle spasms.

Contact Us Today

Spinal cord injuries are painful, debilitating, and very costly. Managing such an injury can cost millions of dollars over a person’s lifetime.

Are you prepared for dealing with such an injury? Get help from the Renton personal injury lawyers at Premier Law Group. Don’t settle for less. To schedule a free consultation, fill out the online form or call or text (206) 880-7437.

Federal Way Spinal Cord Accidents

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Spinal cord injuries are more common than you may realize. In the United States every year, there are approximately 54 cases per 1 million people. This may not seem like a lot, but it comes out to 17,810 new cases each year. There are approximately 294,000 people in the United States living with a spinal cord injury.

The main causes of spinal cord injuries are traumatic and non-traumatic, with motor vehicle accidents being a leading cause. Spinal cord injury can result from damage to the vertebrae and the surrounding tissue as well as direct injury to the spinal cord itself. The symptoms of spinal cord injuries depend on the extent and location of the injury, and the risk factors include age, alcohol use, and certain diseases. Most spinal cord injuries result in incomplete quadriplegia, which involves weakness or paralysis of all four limbs.

The average age of a spinal cord injury victim is 43 years old. About 78% of new cases are male, with most being white non-Hispanic whites.

Establishing Liability in a Spinal Cord Injury Case

Did someone cause your spinal cord injury? If so, you will need to prove the following elements:

  • Duty of care. Duty of care is a legal obligation to avoid causing harm to others. You will need to establish that the defendant owed a duty of care to the plaintiff. Motorists have a duty to other drivers, and doctors have a duty to their established patients. 
  • Breach of duty. You will need to demonstrate that the defendant breached their duty of care. This involves showing that the defendant’s actions or failure to act fell below the standard of care expected in the given situation.
  • Causation. You will need to prove that the defendant’s breach of duty was the direct cause of the plaintiff’s injuries. You will need to show that the defendant’s actions were a factual cause of the injuries and that the injuries were a foreseeable consequence of the defendant’s actions.
  • Damages. You will need to show that the plaintiff suffered actual damages as a result of the injuries. Damages can include medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Establishing liability for the accident that caused your spinal cord injury can be a complex matter. There may be several parties involved.

Liability for a spinal cord injury may be attributed to:

  • A motor vehicle driver and their employers.
  • A manufacturer of a defective product.
  • A negligent property owner who fails to keep visitors safe from known hazards.

Contact Us Today

Spinal cord injuries are life-changing. A person’s quality of life will never be the same. Loved ones will have to step to assist with care.

Spinal cord injuries can cost millions of dollars, depending on the age of the victim. Make sure you are fully compensated. The Federal Way personal injury lawyers at Premier Law Group can help you get full and fair compensation for all your damages. Schedule a free consultation by filling out the online form or calling or texting (206) 880-7437. We’re available 24/7. 

Seattle Spinal Cord Accidents

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A serious accident can lead to a spinal cord injury. Spinal cord injuries vary in severity, where one limb may be paralyzed or all four may be. 

How much do you know about spinal cord injuries? Here are some statistics to help you understand more about this often traumatic injury:

Types of Paralysis

There are many ways in which a person can become paralyzed, such as the following:

  • Monoplegia. This refers to paralysis of one limb, such as one arm or one leg.
  • Hemiplegia. This refers to paralysis of one side of the body, such as an arm and a leg on the same side.
  • Diplegia. This is different from hemiplegia in that it is a paralysis that affects the same area on both sides of the body, such as both arms or both legs.
  • Paraplegia. This refers to paralysis of both legs. In some cases, the lower trunk can be affected.
  • Quadriplegia/tetraplegia. This is paralysis of all four limbs affecting both arms and both legs. Usually the torso is affected.

Causes of Death

Paralysis on its own does not typically result in death. Usually there is a secondary issue at play that causes the person to die. In the past, the leading cause of death was renal failure. Nowadays, the overall leading cause of death is pneumonia, followed by other subsequent unintentional injuries and suicides. There are also high rates of septicemia and pulmonary emboli. 

Pneumonia is the leading cause of death among quadriplegics and those age 55 or older. Among paraplegics and persons who were less than 55 years of age, subsequent unintentional injuries and suicides were the leading causes of death.

Depression is common in the spinal cord injury population, affecting as many of 37% of people. Chronic pain is also common, as is pressure sores. Up to 80% of people with a spinal cord injury will have a pressure sore during their lifetime.

Contact Us Today

Spinal cord injuries can happen to children, teens, adults, and seniors. Anyone of any age can be affected. 

Spinal cord injuries are costly to manage. Get the financial and legal help you need from the Seattle personal injury lawyers at Premier Law Group. The assistance of our experienced legal professionals can guide victims of spinal cord injuries through the intricate process of seeking justice and rightful compensation. Fill out the online form or call or text (206) 880-7437 to schedule a free consultation. We’re available 24/7. 

Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys in Washington

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Spinal cord injuries are among the most painful and costly injuries a person can endure. These injuries are usually caused by some sort of accident and can result in inhibition of motion and even paralysis. It is critical to speak to an experienced spinal cord injury attorney as soon as you can. At Premier Law Group, our Bellevue spinal injury attorneys have a wealth of experience handling serious injury cases. We know that spinal cord injuries often produce medical bills and treatments that can last an entire lifetime. That is why it is important not to settle quickly for less money than you deserve. If you need any advice on your potential case, give us a call at 206-285-1743 for a free case evaluation.

Spinal cord injuries are a common occurrence. As many as 400,000 Americans are suffering from the ongoing effects of spinal cord injuries, and over 4 out of every 5 of them are male. They are caused by bruising, tearing, or crushing of spinal cord tissue, and just like brain injuries, are oftentimes car accident-related. These injuries are very serious and can lead to death. If a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury due to someone else’s negligence that has led to their death, this would be considered a wrongful death case. If you would like more information about how our Seattle and Bellevue spinal cord injury attorneys can help you out, click this link.

Navigating Spinal Cord Trauma in Washington

Spinal cord injuries are the result of a strong force that acts on the very sensitive nerve column in the back. 

This force can dislocate the vertebrae of the spine and is often caused by:

  • Car Accidents
  • Falling
  • Sports injuries
  • Job-Related Accidents

Not only is this incredibly painful, but it can affect the spinal discs and nerves, thus causing permanent damage. This essentially cuts off the pathway between the brain and the rest of the body, thus potentially leading to paralysis. 

Differentiating Spinal Cord Injury Types

Bellevue Spinal Cord Attorneys

There is a large range of spinal cord injuries, but they are broken into two categories: complete and incomplete.

  • Complete spinal cord injuries are where all feeling and ability to move is lost below the point of injury – this would be paralysis. The severity of these injuries necessitates a comprehensive approach to spinal cord injury compensation, involving not only immediate medical needs but also long-term care, rehabilitation, and potential modifications to living spaces. Spinal cord injury victims pursuing a spinal cord injury lawsuit benefit from legal representation that comprehensively addresses their unique circumstances, seeking compensation for both economic and non-economic damages.
  • The second type is incomplete spinal cord injuries, which is when nerve damage is less serious and most control is maintained. While individuals with incomplete injuries may retain some functionality, the journey to recovery remains challenging. It is paramount for those with incomplete injuries to initiate spinal cord injury claims promptly, recognizing that early rehabilitation significantly enhances the chances of recovery. Our legal professionals specializing in personal injury lawsuits, particularly those related to spinal cord injuries, play a pivotal role in ensuring that victims receive the necessary support and compensation for their physical, emotional, and financial hardships.

One has a much greater chance of recovery within six months after a spinal cord injury, so it is very important to begin rehabilitation as soon as possible.

Grasping the Full Impact of Spinal Cord Injuries

Bellevue Spinal Cord Lawyers

Spinal cord injuries can be very costly.  Not only the initial costs of the injury and subsequent expenses but the expenses that can occur for years can really add up. According to the National Center for Spinal Cord Injuries, the lifetime cost for a 25-year-old who suffers a spinal cord injury is $4,729,788. For someone who was injured 25 years later in their life at the age of 50, that number would look more like $2,599,411. This is a staggering amount and with the overall uncertainty of the health insurance laws and industry, the chances of these amounts being fully covered are slim. 

Spinal cord injury lawsuits encompass a range of legal strategies, from negotiating settlements to pursuing litigation, depending on the circumstances of each case. Effective legal representation in spinal cord injury cases involves a thorough understanding of the medical aspects of the injury, the long-term impact on the victim’s life, and the potential financial burdens involved.

Our spinal cord injury lawyers adeptly navigate the legal landscape, advocating for their clients’ rights and ensuring that they are justly compensated for the damages incurred. As spinal cord injury victims embark on the path to recovery, the assistance of our experienced legal professionals becomes a beacon of support, guiding them through the intricate process of seeking justice and rightful compensation.

Financial Recovery for Spinal Cord Trauma Victims

Are you wondering what types of things you can be compensated for when it comes to Spinal Cord Injuries?  

Bellevue Spinal Cord Injury Recovery

Determining the compensation for a spinal injury can be complex and depends on various factors, including the severity of the injury, the impact on the individual’s life, and the circumstances surrounding the incident. Spinal injury compensation typically covers economic and non-economic damages, aiming to address both the financial losses and the intangible losses experienced by the injured party. Here are some factors that influence the compensation for a spinal injury:

  • Medical bills-These are most likely going to be your biggest expense after suffering a spinal cord injury. Looking back to the figures above, medical care alone can quickly reach into the millions. Compensation often also includes current and future medical expenses related to the spinal injury. This may encompass surgeries, rehabilitation, medications, assistive devices, and ongoing medical care.
  • Out-of-Pocket Expenses-These can be expenses like food, lodging, and travel. Anything you pay for out of your own pocket during treatment from the Spinal Cord Injury.
  • Lost Wages-Inevitably you will miss work for treatment, recovery, and potentially not be able to return to work.
  • Pain and Suffering-Your Spinal Cord Injury will likely affect your quality of life and change the way you live both in the short-term and long-term. 
  • Loss of Consortium-Loved ones will have to deal with many hurdles along the way including when your relationship is affected and changed from how it was before your injury.
  • Loss of Essential Services-Your Spinal Cord Injury may affect your daily life.  You may not be able to do the things you used to do as you used to do them.
  • Rehabilitation and Assistive Devices- Costs associated with rehabilitation programs, physical therapy, and assistive devices like wheelchairs or adaptive technology are considered in determining compensation.
  • Home Modifications– If the individual’s home needs modifications to accommodate their new mobility needs, such as ramps or accessible bathrooms, these costs may be factored into the compensation.

Spinal cord injuries affect not only the individuals directly involved but also their families and communities. Spinal cord injury victims often face profound challenges in adjusting to the consequences of their injuries. Seeking legal guidance from our specialized spinal cord injury lawyers becomes crucial for those navigating the complexities of spinal cord injury cases.

The Premier Law Group specialize in understanding the intricacies of traumatic brain injury and other associated challenges that often accompany spinal cord injuries. Whether it’s a cervical spinal cord injury, resulting in severe paralysis, or a lumbar spinal cord injury with varying degrees of impairment, the expertise of our spinal cord injury lawyers is instrumental in pursuing spinal cord injury claims.

How Premier Law Group Advocates for Spinal Cord Injury Patients

First, we will help you decide whether you even need a lawyer – if you can settle your case on your own, our free book can help provide the guidance you need to do just that. For more complex cases, you will want to have an experienced spinal cord injury attorney to get the best settlement possible. Remember, the trauma you experience right after spinal cord injuries can be the tip of the iceberg. It isn’t until you have fully healed that you can know about the full nature and extent of your injuries, including, if you have any permanent damage. Spinal cord injuries are very likely to result in permanent damage. Insurance companies will pressure you to settle before you know the full extent of the impact of an accident. That’s not right, and we will stand up for you!

We will:

  • Listen carefully to your needs, questions, and concerns
  • Handle ALL the legal issues so you can focus on healing
  • Deal with the insurance companies – sometimes there is more than one!
  • Order all medical records and bills related to your injuries
  • Walk you through the litigation process so you fully understand what is happening
  • Communicate with you regularly so you know how your case is progressing

Many law firms may take personal injury cases. Few offer the experience, knowledge, and resources our Bellevue Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys do. We also offer a Triple Guarantee to our clients. We guarantee that you will immediately speak to a Bellevue Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer as soon as you call us-no waiting. Our second guarantee is that you will pay no legal fees unless we win your case.  That is our Zero-Fee Guarantee. We also guarantee to treat you with the utmost respect and answer all questions you may have.  We keep lines of communication open with our clients. It is important for us to work to give you the best possible experience you can have. 

Call us now at (206)-207-4722  for your FREE case evaluation and to speak directly to an expert Personal Injury Attorney

Don’t just take our word for it, see what our clients have to say!

“Incredible legal team at PLG! Kristi, Syuzanna, Jason, and the whole team made my case process quick and stress-free. Not to mention, the team went the extra mile and assisted me in gaining additional compensation than previously expected! Highly recommend Premier Law Group for personal injury claims.” -Benjamin H.

“I have been working with Aubrey since early June. So far she had been nothing but EXCEPTIONAL!!! Every time I have inquiries about my claim, she’s always been graciously proactive and very professional in dealing with all my concerns regarding my claim. Audrey goes above and beyond in her efforts to reach out to me and I’ve always felt comfortable knowing that she’s gonna advocate what’s best for her client. I am truly grateful for all what she has done so far. She’s definitely a GEM!!!” -Oscar E.

Google Reviews

Washington Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers

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Bellevue Seattle Renton and Federal Way Spinal Cord injury Attorneys

What is a Spinal Cord Injury?

Every part of the body relies on the spinal cord. Without the spinal cord, the brain could not communicate with the body about movement, sensations, or decisions. This is why a spinal cord injury could have harmful effects on those who suffer from them.

These injuries can happen in many ways and result in serious issues.  They can affect motor function as well as the ability to perform common daily activities. More than 10,000 spinal cord injuries happen each year in the United States. As a result, victims’ lives can change forever.

If you are suffering from a spinal cord injury, the lawyers at Premier Law Group can help.

Call 206.285.1743 to speak directly with one of our personal injury attorneys and start your free case review. You will pay no legal fees unless we win your case.

Effects on The Brain

Spinal cord injuries are trauma that occur along the spinal cord. A complete spinal cord injury cuts off communication between the brain and the spinal cord below the injury. This is the most frequent cause of paralysis. For instance, victims with a complete spinal cord injury at the base of the neck become unable to feel or move anything below that point.

On the other hand, incomplete spinal cord injuries allow for some communication between the body and the brain. The area below the injury may still experience some sensations and have some ability to move.

Furthermore, most spinal cord injuries begin with the fracturing or dislocation of vertebrae. Broken or fractured bones can tear through the spinal cord, severing it and leaving the victim permanently paralyzed. Additionally, ligaments and disc material that push against, compress or bruise the spinal cord can cause temporary or partial paralysis as well.

Causes of a Spinal Injury

A spinal cord injury is not the result of any specific type of accident. There are many ways that victims can sustain such an injury. For instance, some spinal cord injuries stem from arthritis, cancer, inflammation, or infections. These are non-traumatic spinal cord injuries. However, the majority of these injuries result from trauma.

Traumatic spinal cord injuries can occur:

  • During a serious car crash
  • When struck by a car as a pedestrian or bicycle rider
  • Falling down stairs
  • Being struck hard while playing sports
  • When shot with a gun
  • Being stabbed with a knife
  • Slipping and falling on ice, water, spills, debris, or uneven surfaces

Spinal cord injuries tend to get worse over time as well, especially when the victim does not receive proper medical treatment. This is why it is important for victims who injure their backs to see a doctor right away.

Symptoms of a Spinal Cord Injury

Many think that spinal cord injuries should be easy to identify. However, there are symptoms that victims might not notice right away. This makes it vital for patients to see a doctor quickly after an injury.

The symptoms of the two types of spinal cord injuries differ.

  • A complete spinal cord injury comes with a complete loss of feeling in the area below the injury. Victims also lose the ability to control their motor function. Typically, this loss of motor function means not being able to move, rather than moving out of control.
  • An incomplete spinal cord injury usually comes with the loss of only some feeling and control below the injury.

While there are no other major symptoms of spinal cord injuries you should seek medical attention if you are feeling any numbness in your extremities and have back pain.


A spinal cord injury can often be diagnosed by symptoms alone. However, in most cases, doctors will perform an MRI, x-rays and other tests to confirm the diagnosis. Additionally, a specialist may look at the x-rays to determine the extent of the damage and whether any amount of recovery is possible for the victim.


For victims suffering from incomplete spinal cord injuries, the prognosis often varies. Victims with a mild injury usually have the most positive prognosis. They will likely make a complete recovery. Moderate spinal cord injuries, however, may take longer to heal. Some loss of sensation and movement may be permanent as well. Furthermore, for victims who have suffered a complete spinal cord injury, the prognosis is less positive. Although victims often survive complete these injuries, the likelihood of regaining feeling is slim.

Recovering from a Spinal Cord Injury

There are many studies aiming to help people living with spinal cord injuries find relief. However, there is currently no cure for these injuries – especially complete spinal cord injuries.

Furthermore, incomplete spinal cord injuries may have some ability to recover, however. Although it is impossible to know how long recovery will take, or if it is even possible for individual victims. For some victims of incomplete spinal cord injuries it can take years to completely recover.

Treatment for a Spinal Cord Injury

Though there are currently experimental treatments, there is no way to cure a spinal cord injury with medicine. While some medications may help victims of mild injuries feel better, those medications or treatments are unlikely to help victims regain full function. Some surgeries can help the spinal cord to regain function by restoring the normal state of the spinal cord. However, this will not restore full function. Furthermore, light bruising of the spinal cord that led to temporary paralysis will eventually go away.  Although this is usually with the help of physical therapy, rest, and anti-inflammatories.

Spinal Cord Injuries Can Be Life Changing

Victims of complete spinal cord injuries can have their lives change in an instant. Most victims lose the use of their legs. These individuals may also lose feeling and control over their entire trunk area and the corresponding organs.

These types of injuries make it nearly impossible to maintain a full time job as well. For victims who were the sole or primary wage earner in a family, this can be devastating.  It can also have negative emotional, mental, and financial effects for the family.

If you or a loved one are suffering from a spinal cord injury, contact Premier Law Group.  Our Seattle personal injury attorneys can help you navigate your situation and get you the compensation you deserve. Call 206.285.1743 today to start your free case review. Also, click here to read about how we have helped our past clients.

Safety and Preventing a Spinal Cord Injury

Although you can never totally remove risks, the best ways to reduce the risk of suffering a spinal cord injury include:

  • Driving safely
  • Not diving into shallow water
  • Not rough-housing
  • Playing sports with safety in mind
  • Always watching out for hazards
Jason Epstein and Patrick Kang, expert auto accident lawyers in Seattle

If you or someone you love has sustained a spinal cord injury due to the actions of someone else, you’re going to need help from a skilled Seattle injury attorney. At Premier Law Group, we know the frustration that comes with these injuries. We can help you hold the negligent party responsible for your injuries and financial troubles.

For help with your spinal cord injuries and finding ways to enjoy life again contact the Seattle personal injury attorneys at Premier Law Group. Call 206.285.1743 today to schedule a free case review today. And remember, you do not have to pay a fee unless we win your case.

Bellevue Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys

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Bellevue Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers

Spinal cord injuries are among the most painful and costly injuries a person can endure. These injuries are usually caused by some sort of accident and can result in inhibition of motion and even paralysis. It is critical to speak to an experienced spinal cord injury attorney as soon as you can. At Premier Law Group, our Bellevue spinal injury attorneys have a wealth of experience handling serious injury cases. We know that spinal cord injuries often produce medical bills and treatments that can last an entire lifetime. That is why it is important not to settle quickly for less money than you deserve. If you need any advice on your potential case, give us a call at 206-285-1743 for a free case evaluation.

Spinal cord injuries are a common occurrence. As many as 400,000 Americans are suffering from the ongoing effects of spinal cord injuries, and over 4 out of every 5 of them are male. They are caused by bruising, tearing, or crushing of spinal cord tissue, and just like brain injuries, are oftentimes car accident-related. These injuries are very serious and can lead to death. If a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury due to someone else’s negligence that has led to their death, this would be considered a wrongful death case. If you would like more information about how our Seattle and Bellevue spinal cord injury attorneys can help you out, click this link.

Spinal Cord Injuries in Bellevue

Spinal cord injuries are the result of a strong force that acts on the very sensitive nerve column in the back. 

This force can dislocate the vertebrae of the spine and is often caused by:

  • Car Accidents
  • Falling
  • Sports injuries
  • Job-Related Accidents

Not only is this incredibly painful, but it can affect the spinal discs and nerves, thus causing permanent damage. This essentially cuts off the pathway between the brain and the rest of the body, thus potentially leading to paralysis. 

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

There is a large range of spinal cord injuries, but they are broken into two categories: complete and incomplete. Bellevue Spinal Cord Attorneys

  • Complete spinal cord injuries are where all feeling and ability to move is lost below the point of injury – this would be paralysis. 
  • The second type is incomplete spinal cord injuries, which is when nerve damage is less serious and most control is maintained. 

One has a much greater chance of recovery within six months after a spinal cord injury, so it is very important to begin rehabilitation as soon as possible.

The Real Cost of a Spinal Cord Injury

Bellevue Spinal Cord LawyersSpinal cord injuries can be very costly.  Not only the initial costs of the injury and subsequent expenses but the expenses that can occur for years can really add up. According to the National Center for Spinal Cord Injuries, the lifetime cost for a 25-year-old who suffers a spinal cord injury is $4,729,788. For someone who was injured 25 years later in their life at the age of 50, that number would look more like $2,599,411. This is a staggering amount and with the overall uncertainty of the health insurance laws and industry, the chances of these amounts being fully covered are slim. 

Spinal Cord Compensation

Are you wondering what types of things you can be compensated for when it comes to Spinal Cord Injuries?  

Bellevue Spinal Cord Injury RecoverySimilar to other Personal Injury Compensation cases, you could be eligible for the following compensation:

  • Medical bills-These are most likely going to be your biggest expense after suffering a spinal cord injury. Looking back to the figures above, medical care alone can quickly reach into the millions.
  • Out-of-Pocket Expenses-These can be expenses like food, lodging, and travel. Anything you pay for out of your own pocket during treatment from the Spinal Cord Injury.
  • Lost Wages-Inevitably you will miss work for treatment, recovery, and potentially not be able to return to work.
  • Pain and Suffering-Your Spinal Cord Injury will likely affect your quality of life and change the way you live both in the short-term and long-term. 
  • Loss of Consortium-Loved ones will have to deal with many hurdles along the way including when your relationship is affected and changed from how it was before your injury.
  • Loss of Essential Services-Your Spinal Cord Injury may affect your daily life.  You may not be able to do the things you used to do as you used to do them.

How Premier Law Group’s Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers Will Help You

First, we will help you decide whether you even need a lawyer – if you can settle your case on your own, our free book can help provide the guidance you need to do just that. For more complex cases, you will want to have an experienced spinal cord injury attorney to get the best settlement possible. Remember, the trauma you experience right after spinal cord injuries can be the tip of the iceberg. It isn’t until you have fully healed that you can know about the full nature and extent of your injuries, including, if you have any permanent damage. Spinal cord injuries are very likely to result in permanent damage. Insurance companies will pressure you to settle before you know the full extent of the impact of an accident. That’s not right, and we will stand up for you!

We will:

  • Listen carefully to your needs, questions, and concerns
  • Handle ALL the legal issues so you can focus on healing
  • Deal with the insurance companies – sometimes there is more than one!
  • Order all medical records and bills related to your injuries
  • Walk you through the litigation process so you fully understand what is happening
  • Communicate with you regularly so you know how your case is progressing

Your Attorney Should Be Experienced in Spinal Cord Injury

Many law firms may take personal injury cases. Few offer the experience, knowledge, and resources our Bellevue Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys do. We also offer a Triple Guarantee to our clients. We guarantee that you will immediately speak to a Bellevue Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer as soon as you call us-no waiting. Our second guarantee is that you will pay no legal fees unless we win your case.  That is our Zero-Fee Guarantee. We also guarantee to treat you with the utmost respect and answer all questions you may have.  We keep lines of communication open with our clients. It is important for us to work to give you the best possible experience you can have. 

Call us now at (206)-207-4722  for your FREE case evaluation and to speak directly to an expert Personal Injury Attorney

Don’t just take our word for it, see what our clients have to say!

“Incredible legal team at PLG! Kristi, Syuzanna, Jason, and the whole team made my case process quick and stress-free. Not to mention, the team went the extra mile and assisted me in gaining additional compensation than previously expected! Highly recommend Premier Law Group for personal injury claims.” -Benjamin H.

“I have been working with Aubrey since early June. So far she had been nothing but EXCEPTIONAL!!! Every time I have inquiries about my claim, she’s always been graciously proactive and very professional in dealing with all my concerns regarding my claim. Audrey goes above and beyond in her efforts to reach out to me and I’ve always felt comfortable knowing that she’s gonna advocate what’s best for her client. I am truly grateful for all what she has done so far. She’s definitely a GEM!!!” -Oscar E.

Google Reviews

Spinal Cord Injury FAQ

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I was rear-ended while I was sitting at a red stoplight by a car that didn’t stop and now my doctor says that I need a lumbar fusion. What is a lumbar fusion?

What is a spinal cord injury?

How do you treat a spinal cord injury?

What accidents commonly lead to brain and spinal cord injuries?

What are the effects of a brain or spinal cord injury?

Are there steps I can take to reduce my risk of a brain or spinal cord injury?

Why do I need an attorney if I have suffered a brain or spinal cord injury?

Am I entitled to collect money for the time I was unable to work from my injuries? What if I have to switch careers because of my injuries?

Should I talk to the insurance company about my accident and let them take my recorded statement?

What do I do with my medical bills while the case is in progress?

How much do I have to pay to hire you as my attorney?

Can I change my lawyers if I am not happy with them? How much is that going to cost me?

I Was Rear-Ended While I Was Sitting At A Red Stoplight By A Car That Didn’t Stop And Now My Doctor Says That I Need A Lumbar Fusion. What Is A Lumbar Fusion?

A lumbar fusion is necessary when one of the lower 5 spinal disks has been pushed out of place enabling the bones to rub against each other. This will cause discomfort and extreme pain in the lower back; it could also cause your legs to feel weak, numb and tingly.

There are two different types of lumbar fusions that vary depending on the location of the incision.

  1. A posterior lumbar fusion is when the surgeon operates by going through the back.
  2. An anterior lumbar fusion is when the surgeon operates by going through the front.

For the fusion to take place your surgeon will need a bone fragment, that can come from either your hip our can be gotten through a bone bank. This bone fragment will be used to make sure that the vertebrae are separated properly. Once your surgeon has the necessary bone fragment, they will remove the disk that is causing problems and replace it with the fragment. Then the surgeon will screw a metal plate into the vertebra to make sure the fragment stays in place and then fuse the vertebrae bones together.

What Is A Spinal Cord Injury?

If you have injured your spinal cord in an auto accident that means that damage was caused to your spinal cord and nerve roots. Depending on the level of damage your injury can cause severe pain or paralysis and in extreme cases cause you to lose all functionality.

There are two types of spinal cord injury that vary based on the level of severity of the damage.

  1. An incomplete spinal cord injury generally means that the spinal cord was only partially damaged in the accident and that you will likely retain feeling and functionality.
  2. A complete spinal cord injury means that you will likely lose all feeling below the area of your spine that was injured and there is only a very small chance of recovering from this.

If you were in an auto accident and you or a loved one is currently suffering from a spinal cord injury you need to consult with an experienced Washington personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. At Premier Law Group we will tell you if you don’t need an attorney, but with an injury this serious it is likely that an attorney will be able to get you a significantly higher settlement.

How Do You Treat A Spinal Cord Injury?

Spinal cord injuries are very serious and require a lot of attention and care. If you were in an auto accident that was serious enough to cause a spinal cord injury than it is likely that you were taken to the hospital by paramedics. Doctors will need to reduce the swelling and in extreme cases may need to do surgery to remove fragments of bone that broke off during the accident.

What Accidents Commonly Lead To Brain And Spinal Cord Injuries?

Motorcycle accidents or auto accidents in which an individual is ejected from the vehicle will frequently lead to severe brain or spinal cord injuries. These injuries can be devastating enough to lead to paralysis and even death. One way to minimize this risk is to always wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle, and a seat belt in a car.

What Are The Effects Of A Brain Or Spinal Cord Injury?

Brain and spinal cord injuries have wide ranging effects, and have the potential to be very serious.

Brain injuries are often caused when one’s head forcefully hits an object. When this happens, one or multiple areas of the brain can be affected. Concussions are common, and this type of injury can even put someone into a coma. Treatment is essential and can be very effective, but brain injuries have the potential to lead to death.

Spinal cord injuries are broken into two categories: complete and incomplete. When the injury is complete, that means that there is a total loss of feeling below the point of the injury – also known as paralysis. Incomplete spinal cord injuries are not as severe, but need immediate treatment and rehabilitation.

The medical costs for both of these injuries can be very high, and can have long term consequences. Because of this, it is very important for everyone that has suffered one of these injuries to speak with an experienced injury attorney immediately.

Are There Steps I Can Take To Reduce My Risk Of A Brain Or Spinal Cord Injury?

There are some very simple steps to help reduce the risk of a brain or spinal cord injury. In car accidents, these injuries are often caused by hitting one’s head against the dashboard, windshield or side of the car. Seat belts play an integral role in lowering the risk of this happening. Motorcycle and bicycle accidents can also lead to these types of injuries, and simply wearing a helmet can provide significant protection if against them.

Of course, some accidents caused by negligent drivers can be so devastating that these simple steps will not prevent the injury – in which case you should seek the advice of an experienced Seattle injury attorney to help you get the money you need to cover your damages.

Why Do I Need An Attorney If I Have Suffered A Brain Or Spinal Cord Injury?

There are several reasons to hire an attorney when involved in an accident:

1. Pursuing recovery for injuries is a complicated legal process, which requires the expertise and experience of a highly trained injury attorney. Many rules and strategies take years for an attorney to learn and acquire. Therefore, always speak to an attorney before trying to handle your legal case on your own. Your recovery will generally be substantially higher, even after all the costs and fees that you incur in hiring legal representation are subtracted.

2. When you have an attorney, you can seek medical treatment for your injuries through the most competent doctors at no upfront cost in most cases. Knowing an attorney has taken your case will give doctors the security that their bills will be paid once the case settles. This is especially important to those who have no PIP (personal injury protection) or health insurance and cannot afford to pay for the cost of the medical treatment needed.

3. Only an experienced lawyer can assess the value of your case after learning the full nature and extent of your injuries, the value of your claim for pain and suffering, and the cost of future treatment and rehabilitation. Chances are, without an attorney, you will settle your case for much less than it is really worth.

4. Most importantly, you need an attorney because the insurance company will offer you very little money for your injury. Only a competent, aggressive, and experienced lawyer has the means, the knowledge, and the ability to sue the insurance companies and force them to give you the appropriate settlement that you are entitled to. Insurance companies have a duty to protect and defend their own insured (the person who caused the accident). No matter how friendly they appear, the insurance company representatives are not your friends. They have a duty to act in the best interest of their shareholders by saving money. You need someone on your side that has your best interest in mind.

5. Lastly, when you have a lawyer, you don’t deal with any of the hassle, paperwork, headache and worry of dealing with insurance companies. You just sit back with the knowledge that an experienced lawyer who has your best interest in mind is going to handle your case and deal with the headache.

Am I Entitled To Collect Money For The Time I Was Unable To Work From My Injuries? What If I Have To Switch Careers Because Of My Injuries?

Maybe, but it is very fact specific and is different for every single case. It also depends on how old your child is. The best thing to do would be to contact an experienced Seattle child injury lawyer that will listen to the facts of the case and help you decide whether or not you need an attorney to represent you.

Should I Talk To The Insurance Company About My Accident And Let Them Take My Recorded Statement?

No. Absolutely not, especially in the case of a catastrophic injury. It is vital that a law firm that understands how carefully a settlement needs to be structured protect your rights, because no insurance company is on your side – ever – even your own. They are only trying to find an excuse to get away with paying you very little or not paying you at all. Statements made while your brain isn’t functioning at par could be used against you. Sometimes, you have to provide your own insurance company with a recorded statement because your policy requires it. In that scenario, you should consult with your attorney who will prepare you for the statement.

What Do I Do With My Medical Bills While The Case Is In Progress?

While your case is being handled, make sure you continue seeking treatment for your injuries and follow your doctor’s instructions. Do not stop with your treatment without first consulting your attorney as this can hinder the progress of your case. Also make sure to mail copies of all insurance forms received and receipts for medications and tools necessary for your recovery.

How Much Do I Have To Pay To Hire You As My Attorney?

Nothing. You don’t have to pay anything upfront. You hire us on a contingency basis, which means we don’t charge you anything unless we win your case. We even pay for all of the expenses associated with your case out of our own pocket. Also, if for any reason we don’t recover any money (for example if we find out later that the party at fault has no insurance), we still don’t charge you anything. However, when your case settles, we take a percentage of the settlement for our fees and costs. This percentage depends on whether your case resolves before litigation or after trial. Please note, however, that in Washington, the law requires that the client ultimately be responsible for reimbursing an attorney for costs advanced, even if the case is unsuccessful. Please contact us so that we can explain how this would work in your case.

Can I Change My Lawyers If I Am Not Happy With Them? How Much Is That Going To Cost Me?

Fortunately, you can change your lawyer anytime at absolutely no cost to you. All you have to do is call us and let us know. We will immediately send a letter to your former attorney. As soon as they receive our letter, by law they are immediately obligated to forward your file to our office. Also, they are forbidden to contact you. You are not even required to inform them of your decision. Of course, if they have done substantial work in your case, they are entitled to get a portion of our fees for their contribution. This will only affect our fees and will not change your recovery.

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How do you treat a spinal cord injury?

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Spinal cord injuries are very serious and require a lot of attention and care. If you were in an auto accident that was serious enough to cause a spinal cord injury than it is likely that you were taken to the hospital by paramedics. Doctors will need to reduce the swelling and in extreme cases may need to do surgery to remove fragments of bone that broke off during the accident.

What is a spinal cord injury?

| Uncategorized

If you have injured your spinal cord in an auto accident that means that damage was caused to your spinal cord and nerve roots. Depending on the level of damage your injury can cause severe pain or paralysis and in extreme cases cause you to lose all functionality.

There are two types of spinal cord injury that vary based on the level of severity of the damage.

  1. An incomplete spinal cord injury generally means that the spinal cord was only partially damaged in the accident and that you will likely retain feeling and functionality.
  2. A complete spinal cord injury means that you will likely lose all feeling below the area of your spine that was injured and there is only a very small chance of recovering from this.

If you were in an auto accident and you or a loved one is currently suffering from a spinal cord injury you need to consult with an experienced Washington personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. At Premier Law Group we will tell you if you don’t need an attorney, but with an injury this serious it is likely that an attorney will be able to get you a significantly higher settlement.

Spinal Cord Injuries

| Brain Injury

As a Seattle personal injury attorney, I have seen people’s entire world change because of a car accident that results in a spinal cord injury. The range of symptoms for a spinal cord injury is vast, ranging from temporary pain to paralysis. Car accidents are the leading cause of spinal cord injuries, and can cause permanent damage that drastically alters one’s life physically and financially. When an innocent driver suffers a spinal injury because of the negligence of someone else, it is imperative for that person to seek the advice of an experienced Burien car accident lawyer. It is likely that the medical bills to manage the injury will be very expensive, and the insurance companies do not make their record profits by easily giving out the proper compensation for these types of claims. A seasoned Bellevue injury lawyer can level the playing field and fight the insurance companies tooth and nail to get you the money you deserve.

A quarter of a million Americans are currently living with spinal cord injuries (SCI), with 10,000 to 12,000 new injuries happening every year. Causing nearly 40% of all spinal cord injuries, car accidents are the most common cause of the injury. It generally takes a very severe car accident to cause SCI to happen, but when a collision results in direct force on, or unnatural twisting of the back or neck, serious injury can occur. One of the most common ways this happens in a car accident is during a rollover crash. The roof may collapse in, and crush the head, neck, or back of the vehicle’s occupants. Seatbelt failures or lack of wearing the seatbelt are other typical contributing circumstances to car accidents that cause spinal cord injuries. Just as car accident statistics show that the overwhelming majority of accidents involve males, more than 80% of all spinal cord injury patients are male.

When the spinal cord is injured from a traumatic and direct force, initial damage causes a chain reaction that further harms the body. Initially, spinal discs that sustain the impact will fracture and become displaced. This can lead to the rupturing of blood cells, which causes heavy bleeding and internal damage in the area. Soon after, the spinal cavity will swell, thereby cutting off blood and oxygen to the area, and potentially harming important neurons and the connection between the brain and parts of the spinal cord.

There are two major classifications of spinal injury: incomplete and complete. An incomplete spinal injury allows for at least some sensation or motor function below the injured part of the spine. There are different levels of an incomplete spinal injury, but normal movement or sensation is impaired in some regard no matter what. A complete spinal cord injury is paralysis. Sensation and movement is lost below the affected part of the spine, which could mean quadriplegia if the injury was in the lower neck. If there is any chance for recovery in a spinal cord accident injury, it requires immediate medical attention. There is no cure for spinal cord injuries right now, but doctors and scientists have made huge strides in spinal cord injury research.

In both incomplete and complete spinal injuries, the victim’s life will inevitably be different. Long term medical care will be necessary, it may affect job performance, and there are added pressures on close family members. If you or a family member has suffered a spine injury due to the negligence of someone else, you should speak with an experienced Seattle spinal cord injury lawyer as soon as possible. If you would like a free consultation to get the advice you need on how to handle your injury, give Premier Law Group a call at 206-285-1743.

What are the Effects of a Brain or Spinal Cord Injury?

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Brain and spinal cord injuries have wide ranging effects, and have the potential to be very serious.

Brain injuries are often caused when one’s head forcefully hits an object. When this happens, one or multiple areas of the brain can be affected. Concussions are common, and this type of injury can even put someone into a coma. Treatment is essential and can be very effective, but brain injuries have the potential to lead to death.

Spinal cord injuries are broken into two categories: complete and incomplete. When the injury is complete, that means that there is a total loss of feeling below the point of the injury – also known as paralysis. Incomplete spinal cord injuries are not as severe, but need immediate treatment and rehabilitation.

The medical costs for both of these injuries can be very high, and can have long term consequences. Because of this, it is very important for everyone that has suffered one of these injuries to speak with an experienced injury attorney immediately.

What Accidents Commonly Lead to Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries?

| Uncategorized

Motorcycle accidents or auto accidents in which an individual is ejected from the vehicle will frequently lead to severe brain or spinal cord injuries. These injuries can be devastating enough to lead to paralysis and even death. One way to minimize this risk is to always wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle, and a seatbelt in a car.