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At Premier Law Group, we care about our client’s and their recovery. Recovery is different for everyone. However, it is important in every case to focus on getting well following a personal injury. That is why we at Premier Law Group aim to provide our clients with the best surgery information.
Of course, the Seattle personal injury attorneys at Premier Law Group are not medical doctors. However, we can help point you in the right direction about any questions you might have.
Inpatient and Outpatient Care
It is important to seek medical treatment right away following an accident. It is also important to have surgery information about the available facilities.
- Outpatient care: This care is provided to those that have not been admitted to a facility. Outpatient care may occur in a doctor’s office, the patient’s home, or a treatment center. If a person is suffering from an accident they can have X-rays or an MRI taken at outpatient care. It’s possible for patients to get a cast or splint in outpatient care as well.
- Urgent Care: These facilities provide treatment for conditions requiring immediate medical attention, yet are not emergencies. Examples include minor sprains or burns from an accident.
- Outpatient hospitalization: This care makes use of hospital equipment and expertise during the visit, however, they do so without the expense or disruption of an overnight stay. Hip replacements are a common example of a procedure available in outpatient care facilities.
- Inpatient care: This is often needed for major diagnostic, surgical, or therapeutic service. Inpatient care within a hospital occurs when close monitoring is necessary. This care lets a variety of areas of medicine come together to help the patient through the healing process. However, sometimes a patient will stay overnight in an emergency room as an outpatient depending on their insurance plan.
- Home health care: Patients may need home health care depending on their mobility following an accident. It is for those that are confined to their homes. These services are for those that do not need full time hospital care but who need nursing services and physical therapy. Particular medical supplies and outpatient services are also available in home health care.
- Hospice: This is a type of care that provides supportive care for the terminally ill.
Preparing for Surgery
Being in an accident caused by the negligence of another can be damaging. The healing process will likely involve surgery, so it is important to have surgery information and to know what to expect before going into the operating room.
Additionally, preparing and recovering from surgery can be difficult. However, having a loved one there during the process can make things much easier.
Furthermore, surgeons should be aware of any allergies or current medications. It is also important to create a plan about types of anesthesia as well. The anesthesiologists will explain how you might feel before and after surgery. It is also common for patients to not eat on the day of the surgery. A surgeon may also require them not to take ibuprofen or other medicines that thin blood as well. It will also be necessary to remove jewelry, hearing aids, and contacts. However, you will receive all of these items again after the surgery.
Following Surgery
Once surgery is over, the patient will move into a recovery room, where they will slowly wake up. There, nurses will monitor them, checking vital signs as they wake up. It can take several hours for a patient to “wake up” from anesthesia, however, they usually wake up breathing on their own. Once awake, the pain management plan can begin.
A 1 to 10 scale and “pain faces” can help patients describe their pain levels. It is also important to take pain medication if necessary before doing activities that might cause more pain. Although there is almost always pain following a surgery, pain should not keep a patient from moving or coughing. In fact, doctors often encourage deep coughing after waking up to expand the lungs and help reduce the chance of getting pneumonia.
Furthermore, a common result of anesthesia is constipation and difficulty urinating. It is common for the digestive system to “wake up” last, following surgery. As such, the surgeon may prescribe clear liquids and a stool softener. The surgeon may also prescribe blood thinners at this time to prevent blood clots while laying in bed. Patients may receive a plan for physical therapy as well.
Additionally, nurses will discuss medications, wound care, and bathing with the patient. Before leaving the hospital they will also check bandages and wounds, to make sure the patient can complete simple tasks like standing up, using the restroom, and dressing themselves on their own.
Discharged After Surgery
Once a patient is well enough to return home, they will be given discharge instructions. If they need any items such as an oxygen tank, a special bed, or wheelchair, nurses will arrange for its delivery. However, a doctor may have a patient move to a rehab center if a patient’s needs cannot be met at home.
If a patient needs crutches, it is important that they fit properly to the height of the patient. Crutches should be between 1 and 1.5 inches below the patient’s armpits when standing. The handles should meet at the hips as well. On crutches, a person should have their elbows slightly bent when walking to help balance the weight.
Canes can be a helpful alternative if a person is unsure about balancing with crutches. Canes also help if the person is in poor overall health as well. The top of the cane should be level with a person’s wrist. It is also important to note that patients should hold a cane opposite to the side of the body that needs support.
Furthermore, it is helpful to know that when a patient uses one of these aids, mobility can be hard at first. However, it is important to recognize that it will improve. When returning home, extra care will need to be taken around the home. Patients may install a bar in the shower, or remove bathroom rugs to avoid slipping. It can also be helpful to create a bedroom area in the living room if the person is living in a two story home.

Contact Premier Law Group
If you have questions about surgery information, call the Seattle personal injury lawyers at Premier Law Group. Our personal injury lawyers can help ensure you get the surgery information you deserve following an accident. We also want to help you get the best recovery.
Call 206.285.1743 today to speak directly with one of our attorneys and begin your free case review. We will do our best to answer any questions you might have regarding surgery information. As always, there is no fee unless we win your case.
Jason at premier law group is truly an outstanding individual. Our particular case was not something that their firm usually sees but they were more than willing to help us and give us all of the information they had available. I can't recommend them enough.