En Grupo Para La Gente queremos proporcionar a todas las víctimas de accidentes y personas que buscan ayuda legal información sobre lesiones personales, empleo, leyes de muerte por negligencia en Seattle y en el estado de Washington.

Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar a los lectores información legal y explicar las cosas para que comprendan las leyes sobre lesiones personales y casos laborales.

A todo el equipo de Grupo Para La Gente le apasiona compartir información con las personas para que puedan tomar decisiones mejor informadas sobre sus problemas legales.

Te recomendamos que utilices la sección de comentarios de nuestros blogs o que nos llames en cualquier momento si no encuentras la información que buscas aquí.

4 factores que pueden invalidar un reclamo por lesiones personales en Washington

| Blog, Proceso de Reclamos, Lesiones Personales

Lawyers discussing injury claims at legal office.

Knowing that you have an avenue for recovering losses after an accident caused by someone else’s negligence can be comforting. If you ever sustain an injury, ensuring you can pay your bills, afford medical care, and cover other losses is vital. Personal injury claims are valuable for securing compensation since they allow victims to hold […]

¿Afecta un divorcio un acuerdo por daños personales?

| Blog, Lesiones Personales

Legally separating from a partner can be an exhausting experience. For instance, you and your former partner will likely spend ages discussing matters like custody arrangements and determining how to separate assets. Proceedings may become further complicated if you are expecting to receive a personal injury settlement.  Money is typically a point of contention when […]

¿Puedo presentar un reclamo por muerte por negligencia de un ser querido en Washington?

| Blog, muertes por negligencia

Wrongful death documents with a stethoscope and medication.

Accidents happen every day, but we don’t usually anticipate an accident resulting in someone we love losing their life. We are never fully prepared for the heartbreak. Understandably, we wouldn’t be prepared for the numerous expenses that follow, either. Recovering compensation through a wrongful death claim may be the best way to cover these expenses.  […]

Los cinco peligros más comunes en las obras de construcción en Washington

| Blog, Accidente de Construcción, Lesiones Personales

Construction is difficult, dangerous, and demands a high level of expertise and training. Workers aren’t the only ones responsible for keeping things safe on a construction site. Construction sites are teeming with potential hazards. Federal safety regulations must be obeyed and appropriate safety procedures must be implemented to guarantee that workers can leave a job […]

Cómo utilizar el seguro PIP (Medpay) después de un accidente automovilístico en Washington

| Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos

Medpay, or Personal Injury Protection (PIP), is a type of motor vehicle insurance that covers medical bills, wage loss, and other costs associated with vehicle accidents regardless of fault. This means that even if you caused an accident or multiple parties are at fault, it doesn’t affect your coverage and ability to cover expenses associated […]

Por qué los casos de resbalones y caídas pueden ser difíciles de ganar

| Blog, Lesiones Personales

Premise liability lawsuits are generally associated with slip-and-fall cases. However, despite their prevalence and the substantial harm they cause victims, slip-and-fall cases are challenging to win. When these types of accidents occur, they are often the cause of a negligent property owner or manager. Negligence can mean that they failed to warn visitors about wet, […]

Qué hacer inmediatamente después de una lesión cerebral traumática por un accidente de peatón en Washington

| Daño Cerebral, Accidentes Peatonales

Avoid jeopardizing your personal injury claim

Closed head or traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can impact the skull at the cellular level during a pedestrian accident. The sudden push and pull movement of the brain within the skull can tear and disrupt the structures that support healthy brain function. Like all injuries, brain injuries can range in severity. Unfortunately, because a TBI […]