En Grupo Para La Gente queremos proporcionar a todas las víctimas de accidentes y personas que buscan ayuda legal información sobre lesiones personales, empleo y muerte por negligencia en Seattle y el estado de Washington.

Nuestro objetivo es brindar a los lectores información legal y explicarles cosas para que comprendan las leyes para casos de lesiones personales y empleo.

A todo el equipo de Grupo Para La Gente le apasiona compartir información con las personas para que puedan tomar decisiones mejor informadas sobre sus problemas legales.

Te recomendamos que utilices la sección de comentarios de nuestros blogs o que nos llames en cualquier momento si no encuentras la información que buscas aquí.

Adolescente viaja 120 millas sin poder detener el auto | Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos de Seattle

| Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos, En las noticias, Adolescentes contra la conducción distraída

Some may call it a miracle that 16-year-old Elez Lushaj is alive today. In December, Lushaj called 911 in a panic: his 2011 Hyundai Elantra would apparently not stop accelerating. Despite guidance and advice from emergency operators, Lushaj moved at speeds of over 100 miles per hour for nearly 120 miles. The teen claimed that […]

Abogado de lesiones personales de Seattle | Conducir distraído mata a mamá y a su bebé

| Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos, En las noticias, Adolescentes contra la conducción distraída, muertes por negligencia

For those of you that think your texting and driving skills are good enough that you won’t cause an accident, you are wrong. As a Seattle personal injury lawyer, I know that it is impossible to fully focus on driving while you are reading and/or sending a text message. Being distracted by anything, such as […]

Adolescente sentenciado en caso de conducción distraída | Abogado de lesiones personales de Seattle

| Blog, En las noticias, Adolescentes contra la conducción distraída

A minor auto collision can result in very little bodily harm, but drivers don’t just share the road amongst themselves. Motorcyclists, bicyclists, and especially pedestrians are defenseless in comparison to a car, and consequently receive serious or even fatal injuries in car accidents. As a Seattle personal injury attorney, I believe that all drivers should […]

Nuevo estudio revela estadísticas interesantes sobre la conducción distraída | Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Seattle

| Blog, En las noticias, Lesiones Personales, Adolescentes contra la conducción distraída

Teens  Against Distracted Driving founder, Jason Epstein, discusses a new study that came out regarding distracted driving As a Bellevue car accident attorney, one of my main focuses is preventing distracted driving by educating drivers, both young and old, about the dangers of driving while distracted. As the month of April comes to a close, […]

The Fight Against Distracted Driving

| Adolescentes contra la conducción distraída

Watching sitcoms from the 1980’s and 90’s depicts teenagers as always tying up the phone lines with the latest high school gossip. Now in the age of cell phones this has all changed and texting is now the main channel of communication among the younger generation. In fact, I bet the use of a land […]

Best way to Prevent 35,000 Deaths

| Adolescentes contra la conducción distraída

The recent mechanical problem in some of Toyota’s models has subjected the company to much scrutiny by the media. While some motor vehicle accidents and deaths are caused by mechanical failure, the media dramatically inflated the problem and transferred the blame from human error to mechanical failure. There have been 15 deaths as a result […]