En Grupo Para La Gente queremos proporcionar a todas las víctimas de accidentes y personas que buscan ayuda legal información sobre lesiones personales, empleo, leyes de muerte por negligencia en Seattle y en el estado de Washington.

Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar a los lectores información legal y explicar las cosas para que comprendan las leyes sobre lesiones personales y casos laborales.

A todo el equipo de Grupo Para La Gente le apasiona compartir información con las personas para que puedan tomar decisiones mejor informadas sobre sus problemas legales.

Te recomendamos que utilices la sección de comentarios de nuestros blogs o que nos llames en cualquier momento si no encuentras la información que buscas aquí.

Se pasa por alto la ley destinada a proteger a los ciclistas | Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Seattle

| Accidentes de Bicicleta, Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos, En las noticias, Lesiones Personales

Heather Barnett is lucky to be alive. As a bicyclist, she knows and understands the dangers of riding, but last year she nearly died on the road. She was biking to the University of Washington when a driver ignored a stop sign and drove into the young woman. The outcome was not good, but could […]

Oficial fuera de servicio apunta con un arma a un adolescente que espera en un autoservicio | Abogado de derechos civiles de Seattle

| Blog, Lesiones de niños y menores, En las noticias, Lesiones Personales

Ryan Mash was just trying to get some McDonald’s. Little did he know when he got in the drive-thru line at the fast food restaurant in Forsyth County, Georgia, that he would be held at gunpoint for no real reason. 18-year-old Mash was sitting in his Ford 150 pickup truck, two passengers in tow, when […]

Se espera que los legisladores de Washington anuncien un acuerdo | Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Seattle

| Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos, En las noticias

Come next week we could see what the state’s new transportation budget is all about. Lawmakers have reportedly settled on a deal regarding the $8.8 billion transportation budget. Voting will hopefully take place over the weekend. Projects that will be covered by the budget include $82 million worth of planning money for I-5 over the […]

Un muerto tras fatal accidente de tren y autobús | Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Seattle

| Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos, En las noticias, muertes por negligencia

A 91-year-old woman was killed in Pennsylvania this morning when the small bus she was riding in was stuck by a freight train. According to the train’s engineer, the bus had been stopped in the crossing with what appeared to be no intention of moving. The train had no way to avoid hitting it, and […]

Nuevo dispositivo mide BAC usando su teléfono inteligente | Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos de Seattle

| Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos, En las noticias, Lesiones Personales

Alcohoot. It’s a cool name, and an even cooler concept. So what is it? Alcohoot is ‘the world’s first enforcement-grade smartphone breathalyzer.” Basically, you take the Alcohoot and plug it right into your smartphone. Not only is it’s design functional, it’s pretty nice-looking too. But the main thing is, it was made to help you […]

Un neumático volador mata a una mujer | Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Seattle

| Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos, Lesiones Personales, muertes por negligencia

A woman in Dekalb County, Georgia is dead after a tire flew at and hit her minivan. A pick-up truck was driving north on I-85 when it’s tire popped off. It then flew over the median of the freeway and into the southbound lanes, where it finally landed in the minivan. The victim was driving […]

19% de adolescentes cree que beber y fumar mejora su forma de conducir | Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos de Seattle

| Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos, Lesiones de niños y menores, En las noticias, Lesiones Personales

Let’s face it. When we were teenagers, we all thought we were invincible. We did some pretty stupid stuff that we can look back on and laugh about now. But 23% of teens do something really stupid that isn’t very laughable – they drive while under the influence of alcohol, marijuana or prescription drugs (used […]

Una viga de 17.000 libras casi mata a una mujer | Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Seattle

| Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos, Accidente de Construcción, En las noticias, Lesiones Personales

A young woman in Portland got the scare of her life on Tuesday when she was trapped in her car as it burst into flames. 23-year-old Dana Bruice was traveling across the Marquam Bridge when a 170,000 beam came crashing towards her. It landed on her car after the semi-truck that was transporting the beam […]

Nuevos dispositivos monitorean los malos hábitos de conducción de los adolescentes | Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Seattle

| Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos, En las noticias, Adolescentes contra la conducción distraída

How far is too far when it comes to protecting our children and their safety? I think that most parents have different gauges. Yes, we all have the best interest of our kids at heart, but some parents handle that differently. We all tend to worry when we send our kids out onto the road. […]