En Grupo Para La Gente queremos proporcionar a todas las víctimas de accidentes y personas que buscan ayuda legal información sobre lesiones personales, empleo, leyes de muerte por negligencia en Seattle y en el estado de Washington.

Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar a los lectores información legal y explicar las cosas para que comprendan las leyes sobre lesiones personales y casos laborales.

A todo el equipo de Grupo Para La Gente le apasiona compartir información con las personas para que puedan tomar decisiones mejor informadas sobre sus problemas legales.

Te recomendamos que utilices la sección de comentarios de nuestros blogs o que nos llames en cualquier momento si no encuentras la información que buscas aquí.

Accidente por conducir en estado de ebriedad mata a 1 y hiere a 3 | Abogado de accidentes de Seattle

| Blog, En las noticias, Lesiones Personales, muertes por negligencia

On Thursday evening around 11 PM, one woman was killed and three others were injured in a three car crash. The driver who caused the incident drove over into oncoming traffic on Pacific Highway South. Her headlights were off, and she was later found to be under the influence of alcohol. Her four year old […]

Dos accidentes de peatones en Seattle | Abogado de accidentes de Seattle

| Blog, Accidentes Peatonales, Lesiones Personales, muertes por negligencia

The Seattle area has experienced two terrible pedestrian accidents this week—one involving an 18-month-old child, and the other with fatal results. The first happened Sunday at 43rd Avenue South. A Dodge van was backing out of an apartment complex. A toddler girl darted out from behind a parked car and was hit by the van. […]

Tren de carga choca con vehículo en trágico accidente | Abogado de accidentes de tren de Seattle

| Blog, En las noticias, Lesiones Personales, muertes por negligencia

Train collisions do not happen very often but when they do they can become extremely devastating for everyone involved. According to The Seattle Times, a vehicle was struck by freight train, killing the driver of the vehicle instantly. The incident occurred at a railroad crossing in Ephrata, Washington on Tuesday morning. An 81 year old […]

Peatón asesinado por presunto conductor ebrio en Everett | Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos de Seattle

| Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos, En las noticias, Accidentes Peatonales, muertes por negligencia

On Monday night, two pedestrians were struck and one was killed on US 2 by a suspected drunk driver. The 24-year-old driver drove over a raised median, around metal pylons and onto the walkway. The car reached the woman first, and while she was merely bumped by the car’s side mirror the man was hit […]

Abogado de lesiones personales de Seattle | Conducir distraído mata a mamá y a su bebé

| Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos, En las noticias, Adolescentes contra la conducción distraída, muertes por negligencia

For those of you that think your texting and driving skills are good enough that you won’t cause an accident, you are wrong. As a Seattle personal injury lawyer, I know that it is impossible to fully focus on driving while you are reading and/or sending a text message. Being distracted by anything, such as […]

Conductor Ebrio Se Declara Culpable de Homicidio Vehicular | Abogado de Muerte Injusta de Seattle

| Blog, En las noticias, Lesiones Personales, Accidentes de Camiones, muertes por negligencia

Atroz sentencia de prisión para conductor ebrio que mató a un conductor de grúa Como abogado de homicidio culposo de Issaquah, he visto muchos accidentes que resultaron en lesiones que cambiaron la vida de la víctima y del conductor que causó el accidente. Los conductores ebrios causan demasiados accidentes fatales y lesiones graves y es hora de aumentar […]

Tipos de reclamaciones por muerte por negligencia

| Blog, muertes por negligencia

In the state of Washington, there are two different types of wrongful death claims, and a major loophole in the system that needs to be fixed. As a Bellevue injury attorney, I have worked on wrongful death cases throughout my career, and believe that there needs to be a change in the system to achieve […]