En Grupo Para La Gente queremos proporcionar a todas las víctimas de accidentes y personas que buscan ayuda legal información sobre lesiones personales, empleo, leyes de muerte por negligencia en Seattle y en el estado de Washington.

Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar a los lectores información legal y explicar las cosas para que comprendan las leyes sobre lesiones personales y casos laborales.

A todo el equipo de Grupo Para La Gente le apasiona compartir información con las personas para que puedan tomar decisiones mejor informadas sobre sus problemas legales.

Te recomendamos que utilices la sección de comentarios de nuestros blogs o que nos llames en cualquier momento si no encuentras la información que buscas aquí.

Niña sobrevive a un accidente y sale de un barranco para buscar ayuda | Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Seattle

| Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos, Lesiones de niños y menores, En las noticias

When Alejandro Renteria lost control of his SUV while driving on the Sierra Highway near Acton, California, he and his daughter rolled into a ravine. The girl was injured, but despite being hurt, scaled up out of the embankment to seek help for her father. Authorities are reporting that the terrain she had been hiking […]

Adolescente viaja 120 millas sin poder detener el auto | Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos de Seattle

| Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos, En las noticias, Adolescentes contra la conducción distraída

Some may call it a miracle that 16-year-old Elez Lushaj is alive today. In December, Lushaj called 911 in a panic: his 2011 Hyundai Elantra would apparently not stop accelerating. Despite guidance and advice from emergency operators, Lushaj moved at speeds of over 100 miles per hour for nearly 120 miles. The teen claimed that […]

Tres accidentes mortales en tres días | Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Seattle

| Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos, En las noticias, Lesiones Personales, muertes por negligencia

Fifteen teenagers have been killed in car crashes within the past three days. The first happened in Ohio on Sunday, when a five-passenger SUV carrying eight drove into a pond. Also on Sunday, an SUV with five teenagers ran a stop sign and collided with a gas tanker leaving no survivors in the vehicle. Finally, […]

Los neumáticos con clavos causan daños por millones de dólares | Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Seattle

| Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos, En las noticias, Accidentes de Motocicleta, Lesiones Personales

We Seattleites didn’t see any snow grace our city this winter, much to the relief of many commuters. Driving in the snow is a hassle and dangerous. Our neighbors to the south in Oregon know this just as well as we do. That’s why so many Oregonians use studded tires when driving in winter conditions. […]

Un aumento de peaje para los usuarios de Narrows | Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Seattle

| Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos, En las noticias, Lesiones Personales

Tens of thousands of cars cross the Tacoma Narrows Bridge every day, and they all have to pay a $4, $5 or $6 toll to do so. Those prices are expected to increase over the next two years in two installments. The Washington State Transportation Commission, that sets toll rates, found that a two-stage increase […]

Seattle espera implementar semáforos más inteligentes | Abogado de accidentes automovilísticos en Seattle

| Blog, Accidentes Automovilísticos, En las noticias

If you live in the Seattle area, the likelihood that you’ve sat in what is described as “The Mercer Mess” is great. Mercer Street is one that is the gateway to many Seattle neighborhoods and popular landmarks, oftentimes rendering it unavoidable. But its traffic is disgusting and undeniably some of the worst in the entire […]

Accidente por conducir en estado de ebriedad mata a 1 y hiere a 3 | Abogado de accidentes de Seattle

| Blog, En las noticias, Lesiones Personales, muertes por negligencia

On Thursday evening around 11 PM, one woman was killed and three others were injured in a three car crash. The driver who caused the incident drove over into oncoming traffic on Pacific Highway South. Her headlights were off, and she was later found to be under the influence of alcohol. Her four year old […]

Dos accidentes de peatones en Seattle | Abogado de accidentes de Seattle

| Blog, Accidentes Peatonales, Lesiones Personales, muertes por negligencia

The Seattle area has experienced two terrible pedestrian accidents this week—one involving an 18-month-old child, and the other with fatal results. The first happened Sunday at 43rd Avenue South. A Dodge van was backing out of an apartment complex. A toddler girl darted out from behind a parked car and was hit by the van. […]