Tanker Crashes Are More Dangerous Than Regular Truck Crashes!
Despite tough safety regulations, tanker trucks are viewed as the most dangerous vehicles on the road. But what makes tanker truck accidents so dangerous? Well, two things: First, the instability of the trucks themselves. And second, the loads they carry. Furthermore, these two factors make them prone to horrific rollover tanker trucker accidents and explosions.
Yes, some tanker trucks carry food products that we rely on — like milk and oil. But most tanker trucks haul highly flammable and toxic liquids. This includes gas, ethanol, diesel fuel, industrial chemicals, and pesticides. All tanker truck loads are unstable. They slosh around inside the tanks and cause tank truck drivers to lose control. The truck sways and swivels until eventually it rolls over. This causes the tank contents to leak. If the load is flammable, it burst into flames and then explodes.
Have you or a loved one been injured in a tanker truck accident? Did you lose someone you love in the accident? Are you dealing with horrendous medical bills? And rightly scared for your future? Let Premier Law Group help!
Our tanker truck accident attorneys have firsthand experience with the personal injuries and fatalities caused by tanker truck accidents. We also know how to deal with truck companies legal teams. We do a thorough accident investigation and hold truck companies responsible for paying claims. Let us collect the evidence and deal with tank truck insurance claims adjustors. That’s all we do! We negotiate for you, while you focus on regaining your life. Call Premier Law Group today at 206.285.1743 for a Free Consultation! An experienced truck accident attorney will talk with you about your case.
Risks Associated With Tanker Truck Accidents
There are many risks for the driving public who share the roads with tanker trucks. First, the tanks are specially designed for the liquid cargos that they carry. These liquid loads slosh around inside the truck’s tank.
This “cargo movement” causes truck drivers to sway and roll, particularly during bad wind and rain events. The driver loses control, and the tank trucks rollover.
When tanker trucks rollover, horrific crashes occur. The rollover causes the tanker truck to “leak” its liquid load.
When this happens, devastating injury and fatality accidents follow. The tanker truck load causes fires and explosions. And the leaking load has short and long term negative effects on the environment.
Fish, wildlife, and human lives all suffer from the effects of tanker truck toxic spills.
Dealing With the Truck Company After an Accident
Truck companies are in business to make a profit. They do whatever it takes to protect their “bottom line.” For truck accident claims, they have teams of lawyers and insurance claims adjustors, with one job: fight accident victims claims. Truck companies and their insurers are known for holding up claims processes. They deny fault, do not pay claims and intimidate accident victims. Eventually victims receive a settlement offer. The caveat is: “We deny fault, but accept this money and we are closing your claim for damages.”
Never sign off on the first settlement offer. They rarely cover the costs and damages victims suffer as a result of the tanker truck accident. They certainly do not help victims whose injuries are life-changing. These have long-lasting implications such as inability to return to work.
That’s where a expert personal injury attorney is your “difference maker.” The attorney knows all the legal maneuvers truck firms use to get out of paying victims claims. Let the attorney deal with the claims adjustors. You focus on regaining your life.
For a free legal consultation with a tanker truck accident lawyer serving Seattle, call (206) 285-1743
Tanker Truck Accident Statistics
The truth is, tanker truck accidents are on the rise across the United States. Particularly in tankers that haul hazardous materials.
Consider the latest data from 2017:
- 5,733 crashes involved tanker trucks
- 372 of these crashes were fatality accidents
- 3% of the tanker trucks were carrying Hazardous Materials
- 16% of the Hazardous Materials cargo were leaked during the crashes
- 63% of the Hazardous Materials released from the tanker holds were flammable liquids (fuel oil, gasoline, etc.)
In fact, tanker truck accidents are predicted to be the fifth leading cause of death in the United States in five years.
The Importance of an Experienced Truck Accident Lawyer
The injuries that victims of these crashes suffer are catastrophic. You did not cause the accident. But you are paying for it with your life and well-being, every day.
It’s extremely important to hold the truck driver and truck company liable for your injuries. The best way to do this is to have an attorney by your side. Someone who knows how to deal with aggressive insurers, who gather’s all the facts, and builds an airtight case.
Talk With An Experienced Seattle Truck Accident Attorney!
The Premier Law Group Difference!
Premier Law Group — As your advocate, you always work with YOUR ATTORNEY — not just a paralegal. And we are available 24/7 to work with you.
Our attorneys know how truck companies legal teams work. We know how to get the evidence that shows the tanker truck caused your injuries.
For example, your attorney will:
- Collect Police Reports
- Secure Eye-witness Reports
- Subpoena Truck Maintenance Records
- Analyze Pre-trip Truck Inspection Logs
- Review Truck Repair Records
- Subpoena and Review Truck Driver Accident Records
Then your attorney builds your case and files claims for compensation. We negotiate FOR YOU and your loved ones. Don’t sign off on an insurance claim until you talk with us. Focus on healing, and let your lawyer collect evidence and handle the claim details.
Call Premier Law Group!
Call Premier Law Group! Get your FREE Consultation for a Tanker Truck Accident. You always work directly with an attorney and we are available to you 24/7.
Call 206.285.1743 Today! Schedule your Free Accident Case Review!
Jason at premier law group is truly an outstanding individual. Our particular case was not something that their firm usually sees but they were more than willing to help us and give us all of the information they had available. I can't recommend them enough.