Experienced Car Accident Attorneys in Federal Way, WA

More than six million car accidents are reported across the United States each year. Motorists can see wrecks almost any time of year when traveling through the city of Federal Way, Washington. There are many causes of car accidents, including weather and poor road design; however, most accidents are caused by negligent and reckless drivers. Victims of car accidents caused by negligent drivers may be entitled to financial compensation for their losses. If you were hurt in a car accident, you need an aggressive Federal Way car accident lawyer in your corner who will help you fight for maximum compensation. 

At Premier Law Group, our car accident attorneys have helped many injured people build strong car accident injury claims as they pursue the compensation they are owed. Our award-winning accident lawyers are proud to provide our clients with the prompt and communicative service they deserve as we help them seek justice. We look forward to offering you the dedicated representation you deserve as you go against the aggressive insurance company of the at-fault driver. 

The Most Common Types of Car Accident Lawsuits

Whenever a driver gets behind the wheel of a car, they have a responsibility to do everything in their power to practice safe driving habits in order to help keep themselves and other drivers safe on the roads. Unfortunately, even the safest drivers cannot control the actions of negligent drivers. Accidents can happen in many different ways, but our attorneys tend to see the following common car accidents:

  • Rear-end collisions: Also called “fender benders,” these collisions are common in parking lots and at intersections. Often, one motorist is following too closely behind another and slams into their fender when the lead car hits the brakes. Rear-end collisions have a reputation for being relatively minor, but some can cause massive injuries.
  • Head-on collisions: When motorists hit each other head-on, devastating injuries result. Head-on collisions often stem from fatigued or intoxicated drivers drifting into the oncoming lane of traffic.
  • T-bone crashes: These accidents are common in intersections where the front bumper of one vehicle slams into the side of another. Some T-bone collisions, also called “side-impact collisions,” are caused by motorists running a red light or failing to stop or yield.
  • Sideswipes: Two cars traveling parallel to each other can collide. Sideswipes often happen when vehicles are merging.
  • Rollovers: Vehicles can roll onto their sides or hoods when tripped up by something. Some vehicle designs are inherently unstable and contribute to rollover collisions. Passengers are in danger of being thrown from their vehicles in a rollover or suffering terrible injuries when not wearing their seat belts.

If you were injured in one of these accidents or another type, you may want to partner with our experienced car accident attorneys in Federal Way, WA. We may be able to help you build a case for compensation.

What are the Most Common Auto Accident Injuries?

Car accidents may leave victims with a wide range of injuries from minor to more severe. Some of the most common injuries suffered by car accident victims include:

  • Soft tissue injuries (whiplash)
  • Head injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Back, neck, or spine injuries
  • Burns
  • Cuts or lacerations
  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Deafness
  • Blindness
  • Paralysis
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Internal bleeding
  • Loss of limbs
  • Death

Regardless of the severity of your injuries, if you were injured in a car accident caused by a negligent driver, you may be eligible to receive financial compensation in the form of damages. 

Determining Compensation in a Car Accident Lawsuit

If another motorist is liable for the accident that left you injured, you may make a claim against their insurance. Compensation comes in the form of damages for various economic and non-economic losses, such as:

  • Medical Bills: Many of our clients incur thousands of dollars for surgery, rehabilitation, prescription drugs, and hospital stays. The person who caused the crash should pay your reasonable medical expenses.
  • Lost Wages: Many injuries keep people out of work, sometimes for months. Many of our clients have received damages for lost income, even if they are self-employed.
  • Lost Earning Potential: If a car accident has left you disabled, you may be unable to earn the same amount of money as you did before the accident due to your limited abilities. 
  • Property Damage: Damage to your vehicle is the most obvious form of property damage. When another driver causes the crash, they should have to pay to repair or replace your vehicle.
  • Pain and Suffering: Car accident victims should be compensated for all physical, psychological, and emotional pain and suffering they have had to endure. Although these losses are somewhat subjective, Washington law allows our clients to receive compensation for them just the same.

Our skilled Federal Way car accident lawyers have the knowledge to help you understand what damages you may be eligible to receive based on the details of your car accident claim, and then help you maximize the amount you actually recover. 

How Premier Law Group Can Help With Your Case

The days following a car crash are confusing. You have to deal with getting your car repaired, or buying a new one.  You might be going from doctor to doctor to treat your injuries. At the same time, the other driver’s insurance company could be contacting you, hoping to get you to sign a statement or accept a quick settlement. To help you through this stressful time, you need a seasoned car accident attorney by your side. Our team can lift the heavy burden by:

  • Investigating your crash
  • Handling all communications with insurance adjusters
  • Negotiating a favorable settlement
  • If a settlement is not possible, we are prepared to go to court and bring a lawsuit for fair compensation

Injured motorists have many obligations, and you can easily feel like you are in over your head. We’ve successfully handled thousands of cases and recovered millions of dollars for our clients.  Let our Federal Way car accident attorneys tackle the claims process for you and allow you to focus on your physical and emotional recovery.

Total Motor Vehicle Crashes in Federal Way, Washington (2014 – 2023)

Line graph showing the annual number of motor vehicle crashes in Federal Way, Washington from 2014 to 2023. The graph displays a red line with data points marked by circles. The years are listed on the x-axis and the number of crashes on the y-axis. The data shows fluctuations over the years with a notable dip in 2020.

Contact Our Car Accident Attorneys in Federal Way, WA Today

Being the victim of a car accident that was caused by a negligent driver may leave you feeling stressed and unsure of what the future holds as you recover from your injuries. Our trusted car accident attorneys understand that trying to navigate the Washington legal system may be difficult which is why we are here to help you through our knowledgeable legal counsel and service. 

Premier Law Group is a team of award-winning Federal Way personal injury lawyers helping clients seek the justice they deserve. We are proud to provide our clients with the unique and dedicated representation they need. Schedule a free consultation with one of our skilled Federal Way car accident lawyers by contacting us here or call (206) 880-7518.