If You Were Injured in a Golf Cart Crash, We want to Help!
Golf carts are much-loved mode of transportation on golf courses around the world. What’s surprising, however, is how many cities and counties have created “golf cart zones” on public streets. This has resulted in a growing number of serious golf cart accident in 25 mph speed zones.
In truth, golf carts are particularly dangerous when sharing roads with other vehicles. For starters, golf carts themselves have NO safety protections for driver and passenger. Secondly, they cannot brake nor maneuver quick enough to avoid accidents with other motorists. And third, impatient drivers swerve past golf carts and create dangerous accident conditions for all.
Have you or a loved one suffered a serious life-changing golf cart accident? Did you lose someone you love to this kind of accident? Are you dealing with horrendous medical bills? And rightly scared for your future?
Premier Law Group can help!
Sadly, all golf cart accidents cause severe injuries to driver and passenger, both inside and outside the cart. This includes loss of life, particularly for victims ejected from the cart. Premier Law Group understands the seriousness of golf cart accident injuries. Our experienced Seattle personal injury attorneys know the best next steps to determine accident fault. Then, we go to work to get the compensation you deserve. Let us collect the accident evidence, deal with pushy claims adjustors, and manage the claims process while you and your loved ones focus on healing.
Call Premier Law Group today at 206.285.1743 for a Free Consultation!
Golf Cart Laws in Washington State
You probably do not see golf carts on the streets of Seattle but it’s not uncommon to see golf carts in other Puget Sound neighborhoods. In fact, Washington State law allows all cities and counties to set up “golf cart zones” within their geographical limits.
There are several important regulations for golf cart operators in these golf cart zones.
They include:
- Drivers must be 18 years or older, have completed a Driver’s Education Course, or have a valid driver’s license
- Drivers with revoked driver’s license cannot legally operate a golf cart in golf cart zone
- Carts must be registered and inspected by Washington State Patrol
- Golf carts must have reflectors, seat belts, and review mirrors
- Golf Cart Zones can be set up where the legal speed limit is 25 mph
- These zones must be clearly identified by signage on boundaries of zone
- Hours of legal golf cart operation can be limited by cities and counties
All golf cart operators who have accidents while driving their carts are treated exactly the same way as motorists. For example, they are required to carry basic liability insurance. Also, they must use hand signals to indicate turns. And if the golf cart has seat belts, they are mandated to wear them.
Golf Cart Accident and Injury Statistics
The National Electronic Surveillance System began compiling data about golf cart accidents across the United States. Their data shows that between 1990 and 2006, there were widespread serious injury golf cart accidents.
For example,
- 147,700 people received Emergency Room treatment
- 15,000 of these people had serious injuries
- 69% of all golf cart accident victims suffered life-changing head injuries
Which begs the question: what caused all these golf cart accidents? The largest number of golf cart injury accidents resulted from golf cart rollovers. Closely following this are passenger ejections from the golf cart. And finally, there were serious collisions with other motor vehicles and other stationary objects.
Golf carts simply have no safety mechanisms to protect the occupants of the cart. This fact is the leading reason for the golf course injury accidents.
For a FREE legal consultation with a golf cart accident lawyer serving Seattle, call (206) 285-1743
Golf Cart Injuries
Not only are golf carts “open air” on all four sides, they also are difficult to maneuver in traffic and are slow to brake. In comparison, motorists have fully enclosed doors and windows, plus airbags, seatbelts, turn signals and mirrors.
In addition, golf carts are light weight – far lighter than any motorist vehicle including motorcycles. So, even a minor accident at 25 mph causes catastrophic injuries, especially when golf cart passengers are thrown from the vehicle.
The types of injuries that a golf cart crash cause include the following:
- Cuts, gashes and deep tissue damage
- Broken bones, especially in arms and legs
- Crush injuries
- Organ damage or internal injuries
- Spinal cord injury, nerve damage, or paralysis
- Brain injuries, including skull fractures
It’s easy to see the seriousness of golf cart accident injuries. These injuries are life-changing, take months and years for recovery, and are very costly to treat.
Golf Cart Accidents and Insurance
It is a requirement for golf cart operators to carry the minimum basic insurance coverages that motorists carry in Washington State. These required basic coverages are as follows:
- Bodily Injury Liability Coverage – $25,000 for injury or death of one person; and $50,000 for injury or death of two people; in any one single accident
- Property Damage Liability Coverage – $ 10,000 for any one single accident
Determining accident “fault” is paramount in golf cart accidents. Who caused the accident? Did the golf cart operator cause the accident? Or did a motorist cause the golf cart accident? Or were both parties responsible for causing the accident?
Determining fault is the critical component of golf cart accidents. This one fact is pivotal in determining the liability compensation that accident victims can claim.
Talk With One of Our Expert Personal Injury Attorneys
While golf carts appear to be a fun way to travel our neighborhoods, in truth, they are serious accidents just waiting to happen. Families need a legal partner to help get through the aftermath of a golf cart accident.
For one thing, the accident victim may not be able to act on their own behalf, due to their injuries. For another, claims adjustors for the negligent party are aggressive. Their job is to get the injured party to sign off on their settlement offer.
Meanwhile, the accident victim’s health is worsening. Your family has no income, the medical bills are piling up, and the family is facing very difficult decisions.
The Premier Law Group Difference!
As your “difference maker,” you always work with YOUR ATTORNEY — not just a paralegal. We are available 24/7 to answer your questions, and help you build your case.
Most importantly, our attorneys know how to collect all the evidence from golf cart injury accidents. Count on your attorney to:
- Collect Police Reports
- Talk with Eyewitnesses
- Secure Safety Records from Employer and Retailer
- Determine accident fault and negligence
From this fact-finding, your attorney builds your case and files claims for compensation. We negotiate FOR YOU and your loved ones.
Don’t sign off on an insurance claim until you talk with us. Focus on healing, and let your lawyer collect evidence and handle the claim details.
Contact an Expert Seattle Personal Injury Attorney!
Call Premier Law Group! Get your FREE Consultation Today!
You always work directly with an attorney and we are available to you 24/7.
Call 206.285.1743 Today!
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