Young advocate for teen text free driving!

| Teens Against Distracted Driving

It is comforting to know that there are other people in the community beside ourselves that support teen driving safety and text-free driving. When Kara asked us to publish her video about the deadliness of texting and driving, of course we said a big YES!

Kara is a Junior at Madonna University in Livonia, Michigan. She majors in Broadcast and Cinema Arts, with a minor in Marketing. She created this video for her Field Production and Editing class. Her assignment was to create a Public Service Announcement. Kara was the casting agent, script writer, director, producer and editor! In her own words, “I chose texting and driving because recently my parents were involved in a car accident that was due to another person texting and driving. I see too many people, of all ages, driving erratically while using a phone or other devices. I feel that many accidents involve distracted driving. I want to help prevent distracted driving because I believe it will keep the roads safer and, in turn, save lives.“

Thank you, Kara, for being a strong young advocate for teen text-free driving!