At Premier Law Group we want to provide for all accident victims and people looking for legal help information about personal injury, employment, wrongful death law around Seattle and in Washington State.

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Washington Motorcycle Laws That All Riders Should Know

| Blog, Motorcycle Accidents, Personal Injury

Riding your motorcycle through Washington state can be a thrilling experience. You may be energized just thinking about hearing the wind whip around you and feeling the hum of your bike beneath you. However, you can’t let the thrill of a future ride distract you from abiding by Washington’s motorcycle laws. Abiding by these regulations […]

Does a Divorce Affect a Personal Injury Settlement?

| Blog, Personal Injury

Legally separating from a partner can be an exhausting experience. For instance, you and your former partner will likely spend ages discussing matters like custody arrangements and determining how to separate assets. Proceedings may become further complicated if you are expecting to receive a personal injury settlement.  Money is typically a point of contention when […]

Can I File a Wrongful Death Claim for a Loved One in Washington?

| Blog, Wrongful Deaths

Wrongful death documents with a stethoscope and medication.

Accidents happen every day, but we don’t usually anticipate an accident resulting in someone we love losing their life. We are never fully prepared for the heartbreak. Understandably, we wouldn’t be prepared for the numerous expenses that follow, either. Recovering compensation through a wrongful death claim may be the best way to cover these expenses.  […]

How Does a Lien Affect Your Personal Injury Case in Washington?

| Blog, Personal Injury

Office desk with legal documents, cash and a gavel.

Most people do not want to hear that they have liens against them, especially if they anticipate receiving money as part of a settlement from a personal injury lawsuit. When you’re expecting your settlement money, you likely already have a laundry list of expenses that that money will go toward, and a lien could put […]

5 Most Common Construction Site Hazards in Washington

| Blog, Construction Accident, Personal Injury

Construction is difficult, dangerous, and demands a high level of expertise and training. Workers aren’t the only ones responsible for keeping things safe on a construction site. Construction sites are teeming with potential hazards. Federal safety regulations must be obeyed and appropriate safety procedures must be implemented to guarantee that workers can leave a job […]

6 Safety Tips to Avoid Carbon Monoxide Poisoning During the Summer

| Blog, Personal Injury

Tips to Avoid Carbon Monoxide Poisoning During the Summer

Carbon monoxide is a silent, odorless poison gas that may cause extreme illness or death to victims who have been unknowingly but continuously exposed. There are vital safety steps you can take to avoid Carbon Monoxide poisoning this summer, such as making sure the batteries on your CO detector are freshly changed. Carbon monoxide can […]

3 Common Types of Construction Site Accidents in Washington

| Blog, Construction Accident

Common Types of Construction Site Accidents in Washington

If you work in construction, you may face potential hazards every day due to the nature of your work. These hazards can cause debilitating injuries if an accident occurs. Even if you exercise an extreme level of caution, you may experience preventable injury due to another person’s negligence.  If you have endured substantial injury in […]

How to Use PIP Insurance (Medpay) after a Car Crash in Washington

| Blog, Car Accidents

Medpay, or Personal Injury Protection (PIP), is a type of motor vehicle insurance that covers medical bills, wage loss, and other costs associated with vehicle accidents regardless of fault. This means that even if you caused an accident or multiple parties are at fault, it doesn’t affect your coverage and ability to cover expenses associated […]

Why Slip-And-Fall Cases May Be Challenging to Win

| Blog, Personal Injury

Premise liability lawsuits are generally associated with slip-and-fall cases. However, despite their prevalence and the substantial harm they cause victims, slip-and-fall cases are challenging to win. When these types of accidents occur, they are often the cause of a negligent property owner or manager. Negligence can mean that they failed to warn visitors about wet, […]

What Are Examples of Serious Personal Injuries in Washington?

| Blog, Personal Injury

Getting into an accident that results in a serious personal injury is a life-altering experience. Serious personal injuries are those that result in serious risk of death, disfigurement, or the loss of or the impairment of a limb or organ. Serious personal injuries can result from a wide range of reasons, some of which will […]