At Premier Law Group we want to provide for all accident victims and people looking for legal help information about personal injury, employment, wrongful death law around Seattle and in Washington State.

Our goal is to provide readers with legal information and explain things so they will understand the laws for personal injury and employment cases.

The entire Premier Law Group Team is passionate about sharing information with people so they can make better informed decisions about their legal issues.

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Common Injuries After a Car Accident

| Blog, Car Accidents, Personal Injury

Common Injuries After a Car Accident

Traffic accidents are among the leading causes of serious injuries in communities all across the United States. According to data provided by the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, approximately 50,000 people are hurt in collisions in our state on an annual basis.  These injuries vary dramatically—from relatively modest bumps and bruises to catastrophic and even life-threatening […]

What to Do Following a Car Accident in Seattle

| Blog, Car Accidents

What to Do Following a Car Accident

Car accidents can be very confusing events. In addition to trying to figure out your rights under different insurance agreements, you could be going from doctor to doctor to treat your injuries. Add in an inability to work, and many of our clients come to us experiencing significant stress about what to do following a […]

Distracted Driving Raises Crash Risk

| Blog, Car Accidents, Teens Against Distracted Driving

texting while driving in Seattle

Accidents involving distracted driving seem to be in the headlines every day. At the end of April, Komo News reported another accident when a driver, reaching for an item, lost control of their SUV, crashed through two fences, and then hit a power pole in Edgewood, Washington. The air bags were deployed, and luckily, no […]

Distracted Driving Raises Crash Risk

| Blog, Car Accidents, Teens Against Distracted Driving

Driver using a celle phone while driving

Accidents involving distracted driving seem to be in the headlines every day. At the end of April, Komo News reported another accident when a driver, reaching for an item, lost control of their SUV, crashed through two fences, and then hit a power pole in Edgewood, Washington. The air bags were deployed, and luckily, no […]

What to do right after a Car Accident?

| Blog, Car Accidents

What to Do Following a Car Accident

  Car accidents can happen in an instant, potentially causing serious injuries and leaving your vehicle in an un-drivable condition. While your insurance is designed to protect you against any financial consequences that could break your budget, you could still end up owing money for medical bills or car repairs if you’re not careful. Planning […]

Think twice! The next time you look at your phone while driving

| Blog, Car Accidents

Car driver texting and driving - Premier Law group Personal Injury Attorney

Each year the number of traffic fatalities in the U.S. stemming from distracted driving has been increasing. In 2015 alone there were 3,477 traffic deaths in the U.S. This is a 9 percent jump in fatalities from the year before. As these statistics soar, the Governor of Washington – Jay Inslee has begun the crackdown […]

How much will I get if I win my car accident case?

| Blog, Car Accidents, Personal Injury

In our experience helping victims of auto accidents, most people seeking our services want to know one thing: How can I get better from my injuries? In any personal injury case, the client’s foremost responsibility is always to attend appointments with doctors, do prescribed treatments, and rest and relax. We occasionally have the client who […]

What is UM/UIM coverage and should I have it?

| Blog, Car Accidents

Hi I’m Jared, I’m from Premier Law Group, and today I’m going to answer a common question I hear: Should I purchase UIM or UM coverage? And the answer to that is, yes. But before we get to why you want to get that coverage, let me explain what that is.