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What Information Will an Attorney Need for a Successful Dog Bite Case?

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Dog bites cause surprisingly long-lasting injuries. A dog’s sharp teeth can slice into skin and damage nerves, along with other soft tissue like muscles and tendons. The jaws on many breeds are also strong enough to fracture bones. Even worse, many dog bite victims develop dangerous infections which can prove difficult to treat.

Call Premier Law Group. A dog bite is a serious injury, and you should seek compensation from the owner. State law empowers victims to sue owners for any bite, even if the dog has no history of aggression. This is an excellent law we use on behalf of our clients. Learn more about your rights after a dog bite by calling our firm and scheduling a consultation. We can assess the strength of your case, as well as how much financial compensation to seek.

Important Information for Any Dog Bite Case

We need basic information about the accident to help with a claim:

  • Day and time
  • Location
  • Identity of the dog owner
  • Photographs of the dog
  • Any police report filed

This information provides basic information. If you have no idea who owns the dog, then we’ll need to investigate. We can’t sue a dog owner if we don’t know their identity.

We understand accidents are traumatic, and you might not have all of the above information. That’s okay. Still contact a dog bite injury lawyer at Premier Law Group to learn about your rights. If hired, we can visit the scene of the attack. Share any memories about the animal that bit you. Some people are bitten on private property, while others are bitten by a dog roaming in public. We can roll up our sleeves and find out information about the owner.

Other information is necessary to help us establish the value of your claim:

  • Medical bills and receipts
  • Insurance statements
  • The names of all doctors and hospitals which treated you
  • The name of a mental health counselor to help deal with the trauma of the attack
  • Names of all physical therapists
  • Paystubs to show how much you earn
  • Self-employment records if you are self employed

This evidence can help us estimate the value of your claim. You can request compensation for all out-of-pocket expenses, including medical treatment, hospital stays, antibiotics, and other prescriptions. If you have extensive injuries, you might need rehab or psychical therapy.

We can also request money for pain and suffering. A dog bite often causes nerve damage, which is intense. Painkillers and opiates only help blunt the pain. Many dog bite victims are suffering. The emotional trauma is also considerable. Children and adults might struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder after a mauling.

How Dog Owners Defend These Cases

Some owners will immediately accept fault and agree to pay a settlement. That sometimes happens, although rare. More likely, the dog owner will try to mount a defense to reduce or avoid paying any compensation. Don’t be surprised if they try to blame you for the dog attack.

One defense is that you were trespassing on their property when you were attacked. We can discuss why you were on the property. Maybe you were invited to visit, or you are a friend or neighbor who stopped by to chat.

Another defense is that you provoked the dog. For example, children might throw rocks or sticks at a dog, and the animal strikes back by biting them. We’ll walk you through what happened in the critical moments leading up to the dog attack. In many cases, a dog attack is entirely unprovoked. You were minding your business when the animal attacked you. Maybe the dog attacked your own dog, and then moved on to you. In other cases, you might have accidentally stepped on the animal’s tail, which should not count as provocation because it is accidental.

We push back on the defendant’s claim that you don’t deserve compensation. Another thing you need to do is contact us quickly. Dog bite victims have a deadline for filing a lawsuit. Reach out to us as soon as you can. If you miss the statutory deadline, you’ll lose the ability to sue completely.

Reach Out to Premier Law Group

Dog attack victims have burdensome medical bills and often suffer from emotional trauma following an attack. Premier Law Group is prepared to pursue all possible compensation following a dog bite. We have obtained several settlements for clients, and we are always happy to help.

Call the best personal injury law firm in Washington. Our consultations are free and without risk to you.

What Does The New Seattle Dog Bite Ordinance Really Mean?

| Dog Bites

The New Dog Bite Ordinance

Seattle Bellevue Federal Way dog bite lawyersThe Seattle City Council passed a new dog bite ordinance which broadens the definition of a “dangerous animal”. Under the previous law, a “dangerous animal” was considered one which caused a “severe injury.”  A “severe injury” was defined as death, multiple broken bones, or multiple disfiguring lacerations.  These may have required multiple stitches or cosmetic surgery. The victims of the Madison Park attack did not suffer injuries severe enough to meet that threshold.

The City Council’s new Seattle dog bite ordinance broadened the definition of “severe injury.” The new definition requires only one broken bone, or one disfiguring wound which requires medical attention such as sutures or staples. The expanded definition also includes permanent nerve damage.

Insurance Issues With Seattle’s New Dog Bite Ordinance

However, the problem of insurance still persists in cases involving dog bites. As of now, the law only requires a dog owner to carry insurance for potential injuries if that dog has already been deemed a “dangerous dog,” by local law enforcement. However, the vast majority of dog bite claims in Seattle are happening by dogs that are not already “dangerous” under the current law.

In most cases, dog owners do not have insurance to pay for the victim’s medical bills or lost wages caused by the attack. Further, in many cases, dog bite victims accrue thousands of dollars worth of unpaid hospital and doctor bills.

Pursuing dog bite claims against dog owners who do not have liability insurance can be difficult. Any judgment or jury verdict obtained can be potentially worthless if the dog owner is incapable of paying or can file for bankruptcy protection.

The Rights of Dog Bite Victims

Seattle Bellevue Federal Way dog bite attorneysWhen owners properly train and care for their dogs, they make wonderful companions and loving additions to any family. However, not all dog owners look after their pets properly.

If a dog owner is neglectful or careless, their dog can become aggressive and attack people. Lawfully, it’s the owner’s responsibility to deal with the consequences of any dog bite.

Washington’s dog bite statute allows dog attack victims to seek full and fair compensation. Victims can receive compensation for negative health, financial, or other outcomes.

At Premier Law Group we want you to know about what to do after a dog attack and know when you should contact an experienced Seattle dog bite lawyer.

Contact a Dedicated Dog Bites Attorney

Some might applaud the City’s change to the dangerous dog ordinance. However, irresponsible dog owners should be financially responsible for the injuries their dogs inflict on innocent people.

An experienced dog bite attorney who understands local Seattle laws is best suited to represent victims of a serious dog bite or animal attack. dog bite lawyers in Bellevue Seattle and Federal WayAt Premier Law Group, we have the attorneys with the experience you need to help you.

We are frequently asked, when should I hire a Seattle dog park liability lawyer? There are a number of advantages to hiring someone right away. The right attorney will help protect your health, emotional well-being, and finances and even your dog right away. At Premier Law Group, our goal is for everyone who contacts us to end up more informed about their legal options – even if we do not end up representing them.

If you don’t need an attorney to settle your dog park accident claim, we’ll let you know. Contact Premier Law Group for your FREE dog park accident case review. Call 206.285.1743 today. And as always, there’s no legal fee unless we win your case.

Dog Bite Complications

| Blog, Dog Bites, Personal Injury

dog bite complicationsDogs are “man’s best friend,” but those dogs aren’t always friendly to strangers.  85-90% of reported animal bites in the United States are from dogs.  According to CDC (Center for Disease Control) data, dog bite complications are the leading causes of nonfatal emergency department visits for the 5-9-year-old age group, in the United States in 2018, is unintentional dog bites. Dog bites rank at #9 with 31,552 cases for 2018 in this young population. This number only covers this specific age group, and there are countless more cases where an injury originated from a canine attack. Most often, these incidents affect innocent children, as they have little fear and hesitation. Potential obvious injuries include lacerations, avulsions, and bleeding stemming from the initial injury. Unfortunately, there may be complications that arise later that cause further trauma to the body.

Infection and dog bite complications can affect the skin, muscles, and bones. If an infection is extensive, it can reach the bloodstream and cause a condition called sepsis. If the infection is not detected in time and treated quickly, the victim may end up in the ICU as bacteria spreads throughout the body.

Signs of infection of a wound include:

  • Pain and tenderness at site: Any initial break in the skin will hurt, but further pain that increases 24 hours after injury may indicate infection.
  • Increased redness and warmth around site: It is important to notice the initial swelling and redness around a dog bite. If the redness and swelling begins to grow further away from the wound, a re-evaluation of the injury may be needed. The redness, from the infection, may grow in an even circle around the bite wound, or it may appear as red streaks away from the injury.
  • Drainage with a white, or puss-like, appearance is a noticeable sign that the wound is not healing properly. Infected wounds tend to have increased drainage and sometimes a foul odor.
  • As an infection worsens, the pain tends to increase. When the infection starts to affect the body as a system, an injured person may experience fever. The body may respond with a fast heart beat and low blood pressure (presenting in lightheadedness or fainting). Consult a doctor if these signs get worse. Intravenous fluids and antibiotics may be necessary for healing.

Expected Care

When presenting a dog bite complication to an emergency room or urgent care, any open wound, from a dog bite, should be swabbed and sent for a culture, to determine if a specific bacteria is involved that may cause an infection.  The wound should be thoroughly cleaned and covered, in an appropriate dressing, and kept clean and dry. The healthcare provider may order a tetanus shot and a broad-spectrum antibiotic, to cover many common bacteria that can easily be killed by a common antibiotic. The culture will result after a few days, and the provider can determine if the injured person needs a more a specific antibiotic that matches the drug that will kill the alleged bacteria. If the wound requires stitches, the injured person should be evaluated by the medical provider quickly, as the best practice for closing the wound is less than 24hours for a laceration to the face, and less than 12 hours for other areas of the body. Other areas of the body may be opted out for closure, to decrease the risk for infection and promote healing from the bottom of the wound toward the surface.

Dog Bite Complications:

  • Pasteurella infection: This infection can come from a dog bite or lick. This family of bacteria can be found in the oral cavity and respiratory tract of dogs (and other animals). This infection can present in any of the following ways:

inflammation of the skin; arthritis; sepsis (blood infection); infection in the bone; meningitis; respiratory infection; abdominal infection; endocarditis; eye infection; necrotizing fasciitis; fetal death in pregnant infected woman; inflammation of the thyroid; urinary tract infection; and infection of surgical grafts.

  • Capnocytophaga: This infection is rare but severe when spread to humans. The majority of those who contract this infection have experienced a dog bite, but a few may contract it from a scratch from, or exposure to, a dog (or cat). This infection is from a group of different bacteria that live in the oral cavity of the mouth of a human, dog, or cat. This infection can present in any of the following ways:

skin infection; fever; pneumonia; endocarditis; arthritis; gall bladder inflammation; severe sepsis (fever; disseminated purpuric lesions, as pictured below; low blood pressure; kidney insufficiency or failure; change in mental status; blood clotting abnormalities; ); and meningitis (with potential hearing loss).

(Disseminated Purpuric Lesions)

  • MRSA: Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that is found on the skin and in the nose of humans. When this bacteria is introduced into the skin, or the blood stream, it may be very difficult to treat as it has built a resistance to antibiotics. When a person is bitten by a dog, the puncture can introduce the bacteria under the skin and produce problems such as cellulitis (infection and inflammation in a certain area of the skin) or develop into sepsis if spread to the bloodstream (which may affect multiple organs).
  • Rabies: Rabies is caused by a virus, as opposed to the previously noted bacterial infections. Rabies is transmitted through the saliva in an animal bite (in this case dog bite). Rabies in humans is not common in the United States, but these infections happen occasionally. It is important to be treated early with the vaccination if potentially exposed. The period between exposure and symptoms can be days to years if untreated. Once symptoms appear, they are quite vague and can include fever, chills, body aches, fatigue, decreased appetite, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, headache, and light sensitivity. After a few days or a week of these symptoms, the complications become much more dramatic including abnormal sensations (tingling, numbness, itching, and burning), encephalopathy, paralysis (unable to move or breathe), abnormal movements, seizures, throat spasms, sweating, drooling, increased or decreased body temperature, agitation, and hallucinations.
  • Bone fracture:Larger dogs, such as Pitbull terriers, German shepherds, and Rottweilers can cause fractures in bones. If a dog is strong or the child small, the strength of the dog can pull the person to the point of straining a joint, or the dog’s jaw may crush a bone.  The mechanism of how the attack happens is crucial in evaluating injuries. If the person is pulled to the ground, any part of the body could be injured depending on how the person fell and what area of the body was hit or bitten.

**The bacterial infections discussed are treated with antibiotics and symptomatic treatment of symptoms. The probability of recovery depends on the body’s response to antibiotics, and how quickly the assessment and interventions were started.


What Can I do If I Am Injured?

In some instances, the healing or repair process may be extensive from dog bite injuries. From multiple surgeries, to changing antibiotics, to physical therapy, the list of treatments can grow and become quite overwhelming. Multiple follow up visits with plastic surgery may be required, especially for children who are still growing, to ensure proper repair for long term appearance.  Any psychiatric trauma from the attack, should be addressed by a qualified professional, as many suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Every year inpatient medical costs incurred are about $53.9 million from approximately 4.5 million dog bite injuries.  If you, or a loved one, have been injured from a dog attack and have dog bite complications, you may qualify for assistance. The attorneys and Premier Law Group are available to help obtaining financial assistance for such a traumatic time.

Written by: Courtney Tolin, RN, BSN, CEN


Dog Bite Prevention


List of tips to prevent Dog Bites

Sometimes, man’s best friend will bite. Approximately, 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year in the United States, and almost 1 in 5 victims require medical attention from their injuries. About 16 people die from a dog attack each year.

Although dogs can be faithful companions, these are sobering statistics. It is important to know the risks and take precautions to prevent being the victim of a dog bite. Here are some tips:

  • Ask permission from the owner first, before petting an unfamiliar dog.
  • Stay away from a barking or growling dog.
  • Don’t touch a dog who is sleeping, eating, or chewing a toy.
  • Don’t scare a dog when greeting it; use your normal voice rather than yelling.
  • Avoid eye contact and don’t offer your hand to be sniffed. Instead, stand calmly in front of the dog and let it come to you.
  • Observe and understand the dog’s body language. Is the dog calm and peaceful, playful, nervous and anxious, or aggressive? If the dog presents tense with teeth showing, it is best to stay away.

Download a high-resolution file of Dog Bite Prevention.

Bellevue Dog Bite Lawyers

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Bellevue Dog Bite Lawyers

Bellevue Dog Bites LawyersThere’s a reason why dogs are known as man’s best friend. When owners properly train and care for them, dogs are wonderful companions and a loving addition to any family. However, not all owners properly train and care for their dogs. Sometimes, they’re neglectful or careless, causing their dogs to become aggressive and attack people. According to the law, it’s the owner’s responsibility to deal with the consequences of these situations. Washington’s dog bite statute enables dog attack victims to get full and fair compensation for unfortunate health, financial, and other outcomes. This page gives you information about what to do after a dog attack and know when you should contact a Bellevue dog bites lawyer

Injuries Resulting From Dog Attacks

Victims of dog attacks suffer from physical injuries like deep cuts, muscle and tendon damage, broken bones, and blood loss. They may suffer from mental, psychological, and emotional damage as well. Often, children are the victims of dog bites with injuries and trauma lasting a lifetime. All of these unfortunate outcomes have financial and other consequences on victims and their families. If you or your loved one is suffering serious injury due to a dog attack, call our dog bite attorneys in Bellevue for a free consultation. Our experienced attorneys will discuss your case further.

What To Do After A Dog Attack

After a dog attack, there are a few things you should do to help preserve the value of your claim. If possible, document the names and phone numbers of anyone involved, including the dog owner and any witnesses. Take photos of the scene and your injuries, and call the authorities if appropriate (police or 911 for emergency medical assistance). If there’s surveillance footage from the area or a 911 tape, request these pieces of evidence as soon as possible. You’ll also want to get pictures of your injuries as they are healing.

There’s A Deadline For Every Dog Bite Case

If you want to preserve your right to dog attack compensation, you should know there is a deadline associated with your case. This deadline is called a statute of limitations. There are various factors which impact the statute of limitations for any given situation, which is why we recommend contacting a Bellevue dog bite lawyer as soon as reasonably possible. A personal injury attorneys in Bellevue with expertise in this area will ensure that you do not miss the opportunity to pursue your case should you decide to do so.

Bellevue Dog Bite Lawyers At Premier Law Group

Premier Law Group is Washington’s premier personal injury law firm. We are best described as a down-to-earth team, dedicated to exceptional client service, specializing in personal injury law, and committed to our communities – guaranteed. Our Washington dog bite lawyers can make sure you have all necessary pieces of evidence and walk you through your legal options. Call 206.285.1743 to schedule a free case review today. If you decide to hire us, there is no legal fee until you settle or win your case.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dog Bites

What’s The Best Way To Treat A Dog Bite?

In the absence of instructions from your health care provider, treat your dog bite wound by doing the following:

  1. Wash the wound with mild soap, and run warm water over it for 5 to 10 minutes.
  2. Slow the bleeding with a clean cloth.
  3. Apply an antibiotic cream.
  4. Wrap the wound in a clean bandage.
  5. Keep the wound bandaged and go see a doctor.
  6. Change the bandage several times a day and follow any doctor recommendations.
  7. Watch for signs of complications including infection, swelling, more pain than usual, fever, and redness.

What’s The Typical Statute Of Limitations On Dog Bites In Washington State?

Remember that a statute of limitations is a deadline by which you must settle a case or file a lawsuit. You lose your right to compensation if you don’t do either of these things before the deadline. In general, the statute of limitations for dog bites is 3 years from the date of the injury. There are certain conditions that may extend or shorten the statute of limitations, which is why it’s important to speak to a Washington dog bite accident lawyer well before the three-year mark. We recommend reviewing your case and options with an experienced dog bite accident attorney right after the attack. Call Premier Law Group at 206.285.1743 to schedule a complimentary case review.

If I Hire A Washington Dog Bite Lawyer, How Long Will It Take To Settle My Claim?

It’s difficult to answer this question because every case is different. One thing that’s for certain is you should be done treating or have a permanent prognosis before your Washington dog attack lawyer tries to settle your case. Otherwise, you may end up with a settlement that fails to cover your expenses and fairly compensate you for the situation. Call Premier Law Group at 206.285.1743 today to schedule a free case review. Once we understand the context of your situation, we can provide more information.

What To Expect When You Contact And Work With Premier Law Group

  1. We’re accessible. When you contact us about your personal injury matter, you’ll speak directly with an attorney – not just a receptionist or intake specialist.
  2. We’re straightforward. No game-playing here – we want to help you towards your goals. For example, we’ll be upfront about whether you even need an attorney to settle your claim.
  3. We care. We’re real people who help real people with real problems. You’ve been wronged and you deserve an experience and outcome that makes things as right as possible.

Our mission is to ensure that everyone who contacts us becomes more informed about their legal options – whether our experienced dog bite attorneys represent them or not. Call 206.285.1743 today to schedule a free dog bite case review.

What People Say About Premier Law Group

Look No Further

“This is the best law firm. They really care about their clients, which is evident in their actions. Please look no further than Premier Law Group if you get injured in an accident.” – Seon K.

Everything Was Handled Professionally & Quickly

“After I had my accident and went through my treatments, I was literally dumbfounded with what my car insurance company had offered me for a settlement. A friend of mine told me to call Premier Law Group and I’m so happy I did! Everything was handled so professionally and so quickly! I felt like I was a priority and every question I had was answered in length! Thank you for going above and beyond for me during this process! Hopefully I won’t ever be back but if I have to, I will only work with your team.” – Sarah T.

They Truly Care

“Great firm. They are very intelligent and truly care about their clients. I’ve worked with various law firms over the years and have to say this one is on top of their cases. They are the exact opposite of some of those firms that will spend all their money on marketing only to have poor customer service. These guys truly care. Clients come first here. Highly recommended!” – Ben B.

Call 206.285.1743 Today For A Free Review Of Your Dog Bite Case

personal injury lawyers at Premier Law Group

Dog Park Liability Lawyers In Seattle

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Dog Bite Liability at Dog Parks

Dog park liability lawyers in SeattleDog parks are fantastic places for dogs to get some exercise, socialize and have fun off of their leash. However, entering a dog park exposes you and your dog to certain risks. For example, your dog could bite someone or you could be bitten by a dog.  Furthermore, your dog could bite another dog, or your dog could even get bitten by another dog. Dog park accidents can cause serious injuries to pets and people as well. Dog park accidents can result in cuts, punctures, crushed and broken bones, scarring, disfigurement, infections, and high medical and veterinary bills.

If you or your dog is injured in a dog park accident, you may be able to pursue compensation. To find out more about your legal rights and options, you’ll need to consult an experienced Seattle dog park liability lawyer. Contact Premier Law Group today for a free consultation with our experienced dog park injury attorneys.

Seattle Dog Containment Law

In Seattle, dogs have to be on a leash in most places.

The Seattle Municipal Code (SMC) says it is unlawful for an animal (except cats/pigeons) to not be on a leash (SMC 9.25.084(A)).  It is also unlawful for an animal in heat to no be confined, as well allowing a tethered animal to enter the street.

Seattle Dog Park Liability

Seattle law uses strict liability in regards to dog bites. Under this theory, a dog’s owner can be liable for a victim’s injuries if their dog attacks the victim. This includes if the dog bites, scratches, or knocks down the victim.

Further, if the attack occurs on public property, then the owner can be found strictly liable for the victim’s injuries. This also applies to dog parks including Grandview Off-Leash Area or Woodland Off-Leash Dog Park. Although dogs are able to roam off-leash in most Seattle dog parks, that does not mean owners are not responsible when their pet bites someone. Moreover, owners should keep their dogs under control at all times.

If you were bitten by a dog in one of Seattle’s parks, you are within your rights to pursue a Seattle personal injury claim against the owner. However, these claims can become complicated. You will need to show the costs you have suffered due to the attack and negotiate with the insurance company. They may attempt to fight your claim by using the provocation defense.

As such, we at Premier Law Group can help you with your claim.  Our experienced dog bite attorneys can help you build your case and deal with insurance companies while you or your loved one focus on recovery.

Seattle Leash Laws

Seattle dog bite lawyers can helpAdditionally, at Premier Law Group, we represent people who have been attacked and injured by someone else’s dog. Oftentimes, the dog that attacks our clients was not on a leash. However, there are instances where an attack occurs even when the dog was on a leash.

In Seattle, all dogs should be kept under control and leashed when not designated off-leash areas. Failing to do so can lead to many dog bites.

Furthermore, according to Seattle Municipal Code 9.25.084, tethering a dog in any place where the dog can enter a public sidewalk, alley, or place open to the public is unlawful. This is to say that, an unattended dog tethered outside a business on a sidewalk or other public area, that is a violation of the Seattle Municipal Code.

Let An Experienced Seattle Dog Park Liability Attorney Help

If you’ve suffered injury, or emotional or financial stress from a dog park accident, it’s important that a trusted Seattle dog park accident lawyer assists with your injury claim. The right attorney will help you access the resources you need to make the best possible recovery.  At Premier Law Group, we can communicate and negotiate with the other party or insurance companies while you focus on recovery. They will want to pay as little as possible or claim provocation but you deserve full and fair compensation.

Our lawyers will negotiate for a fair settlement on your behalf or represent you in court. Additional supports they may provide are:

  • Gathering evidence to prove liability.
  • Building a case and strategy for your claim
  • Pursuing compensation on your behalf.
  • Communicating with insurance companies.

Contact a Dedicated Dog Park Liability Lawyer

Experienced dog bite lawyers in Seattle Federal Way Renton and BellevueWe are frequently asked, when should I hire a Seattle dog park liability lawyer? There are a number of advantages to hiring someone right away. The right attorney will help protect your health, emotional well-being, and finances and even your dog right away.

At Premier Law Group, our goal is for everyone who contacts us to end up more informed about their legal options – even if we do not end up representing them.

If you don’t need an attorney to settle your dog park accident claim, we’ll let you know.

Contact Premier Law Group for your FREE dog park accident case review. Call 206.285.1743 today. And as always, there’s no legal fee unless we settle or win your case.

Washington State Mulls Prohibiting Banning of Specific Dog Breeds

| In The News

bigstock-Crossbreed--months-old-sitt-41972335It’s easy to see a pit bull and immediately feel uncomfortable or scared. Their wide jaws and often muscular bodies seen through their short-haired coats can trigger a sense of danger.

Their loving licks and wagging tail can also trigger the opposite feeling.

In American society there are taboos placed on pit bulls and other “fighting dogs” like Rottweilers. Twelve cities in Washington have banned pit pulls, 2 cities ban other dog breeds as well, and 13 cities have classified pit bulls and other breeds as “dangerous” or “potentially dangerous,” according to

A bill being discussed in the Washington State Legislature, House Bill 2117, seeks to prohibit naming specific breeds of dogs as dangerous or potentially dangerous, or banning any specific breed of dog.

If passed, the bill would declare that “a dog’s breed is not inherently indicative of whether or not the dog is dangerous and that the criteria for determining whether or not a dog is dangerous or potentially dangerous should be focused on the dog’s behavior.”

State law currently prohibits prosecutors from using a dog’s breed to show “that the owner of the dog either knew or should have known that the dog was potentially dangerous.” However, many local city laws have classified certain breeds as such, contradicting the current language of the law. House Bill 2117 would emphasize that breed discrimination is not a valid legal course and cannot be enforced.

Pit bulls’ bad reputation has mainly come from their popularity in dog-fighting matches. Owners of fighting dogs favor the dogs and train them to be vicious fighters. People also train them as guard dogs to fend off unwanted visitors. Other breeds can and are trained in the same fashion, resulting in an equally dangerous dog.

In reality, research has found that pit bulls have a relatively mild temperament compared to other popular dog breeds. More American Pit Bull Terriers passed their temperament test than Golden Retrievers, Collies, and Beagles, according to the American Temperament Test Society, Inc., an organization that does temperament evaluations for different dog breeds.

Though many dog attacks, and even deaths, are attributed to pit bulls and other fighting breeds, it is not generally accepted that breed-specific legislation (such as banning or labeling breeds dangerous) does anything to ease this danger. The Humane Society of the United States and the American Veterinary Medical Association, among others groups, have concluded that breed-specific legislation is ineffective and unnecessary.

All dogs are capable of hurting and killing humans. A 6-week-old baby was killed in Southern California by the family’s Pomeranian in 2000, according to the Los Angeles Times. Pomeranians range between 3-7 pounds and are considered companion dogs.

Safe, social dogs develop with responsible owners, not with breed-specific legislation.

Do you have questions about preventing your family members from dog bites? Call Premier Law Group at 206-285-1743, or visit our Contact page to send an email to our knowledgable staff.

Personal Injuries in Washington: An Analysis of the Most Common Cases

| Blog, Personal Injury

As in any other place, personal injuries are a constant concern in the state of Washington. These injuries can occur in various circumstances and vary in severity. This blog explores the most common personal injuries in Washington and provides an overview of how they are legally handled.

  • Traffic Accidents: Car accidents top the list of causes of personal injuries in Washington. A wide range of injuries result from this kind of accidents, from bruises and lacerations to more serious injuries, such as broken bones and traumatic brain injury.
  • Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents: Pedestrians and cyclists are particularly vulnerable on the roads. Accidents involving pedestrians or bicycles often result in severe injuries due to the lack of protection against larger vehicles.
  • Slips and Falls: Slip-and-fall accidents are another common cause of personal injuries. They can occur on public or private properties and are often the result of slippery surfaces or inadequate maintenance.
  • Animal Bites: Dog bites and other animal bites can cause significant and traumatic injuries. In Washington, animal owners may be held responsible for injuries caused by their pets.
  • Injuries on Others’ Property: Injuries occurring on someone else’s property, whether a business or private residence, can lead to premises liability claims if it is proven that the owner was negligent.

Personal injuries affect many people in Washington every year. Understanding the most common causes can help prevent accidents and better manage the legal consequences if they occur.

If you have suffered a personal injury, it is essential to seek legal advice to understand your rights and options. Each case is surrounded by circumstances that can become critical pieces in determining whether a personal injury justifies compensation. The service of a personal injury lawyer will allow you to present your case powerfully and increase your chances of obtaining fair compensation that fully covers your injuries and damages.

Exploring Tukwila, WA Personal Injury Needs with Premier Law Group

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Tukwila, WA, a vibrant city known for its extensive recreational opportunities and engaging outdoor activities, offers residents and visitors alike a unique blend of nature and community through its parks, gardens, and diverse programs. From the award-winning Tukwila Community Center to the enchanting Highline SeaTac Botanical and Kubota Gardens, and the thrilling experience at iFLY, Tukwila provides a playground for all ages. However, amidst the fun and engagement, it’s essential to be aware of the potential for personal injury incidents that can occur in such active settings.

As you immerse yourself in the rich recreational life of Tukwila, Premier Law Group is here to ensure your safety and rights are protected. Understanding the risks associated with Tukwila’s favorite pastimes, our firm offers a full spectrum of personal injury services to the community:

  • Car Accident Cases: Navigating Tukwila’s bustling streets can sometimes lead to unexpected car accidents, requiring expert legal intervention.
  • Motorcycle Accident Cases: For those who enjoy the freedom of riding through the city’s scenic routes, we provide support in the event of a motorcycle accident.
  • Truck Accident Cases: The city’s thriving commerce means heavy truck traffic, and we’re here to represent victims of truck accidents.
  • Pedestrian Accident Cases: With Tukwila’s parks and recreation facilities drawing many on foot, pedestrian safety is a priority, and we’re prepared to advocate for those injured.
  • Bicycle Accident Cases: Cyclists exploring Tukwila’s outdoor beauty face risks, and we offer legal assistance for bicycle-related injuries.
  • Paralysis Cases: Serious accidents resulting in paralysis demand specialized legal care, which we are dedicated to providing.
  • Dog Bite Cases: Enjoying the city’s parks can sometimes lead to unfortunate dog bite incidents, and our team is here to help victims.
  • Child Injury Cases: Our youngest residents participating in Tukwila’s numerous recreational programs deserve the safest environments, and we’re committed to representing families affected by child injuries.
  • Wrongful Death Cases: In the most tragic of circumstances, our compassionate team supports families facing the loss of a loved one due to wrongful death.
  • Construction Accident Cases: As Tukwila continues to grow and develop, we represent those injured in construction accidents within the city.

Engage Safely with Tukwila’s Rich Recreational Life

Tukwila’s dedication to providing a wide range of recreational activities fosters a vibrant community spirit and promotes well-being. However, engaging in these activities comes with a responsibility to ensure personal safety and awareness of the legal resources available to you in case of an accident.

If you or a loved one finds themselves in need of legal assistance due to a personal injury in Tukwila, WA, Premier Law Group is ready to offer expert guidance and support. Our comprehensive understanding of Tukwila’s unique community and recreational landscape, combined with our extensive personal injury services, ensures that you have the best possible representation.

For more information or to schedule a free consultation, please visit our contact page or call us directly. Let Premier Law Group be your ally in navigating the complexities of personal injury law, allowing you to focus on enjoying the vibrant life Tukwila has to offer.

SeaTac, WA: Getting Personal Injury Assistance from Premier Law Group

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SeaTac, WA, a city celebrated for its cultural and economic diversity, is a bustling community uniquely positioned between Seattle and Tacoma. This strategic location not only offers convenient access to major urban centers and Sea-Tac Airport but also places residents and visitors in close proximity to the natural beauty of Puget Sound and an array of outdoor amenities. However, as SeaTac continues to develop and attract more commuters and businesses, the potential for personal injury incidents, from traffic accidents to construction mishaps, understandably increases.

In the fast-evolving landscape of SeaTac, Premier Law Group stands as a steadfast ally for those facing personal injury challenges. We understand that SeaTac’s growth, while beneficial for the community, brings with it a higher risk of accidents and injuries, affecting everything from daily commutes to leisure activities.

SeaTac’s development opportunities and appealing park system provide a backdrop for a variety of activities. However, these same features can lead to personal injury incidents:

  • Traffic Accidents Amidst Commuting Rush: With many residents commuting to and from Seattle or Tacoma, the risk of car, motorcycle, and truck accidents escalates. Our firm specializes in representing victims of such accidents, ensuring they receive comprehensive legal support.
  • Dog Bites and Child Injuries in Public Spaces: The city’s excellent parks and neighborhoods are perfect for families and outdoor enthusiasts but also present scenarios for dog bites or child injuries. Premier Law Group is committed to safeguarding the rights of the youngest and most vulnerable members of our community.
  • Construction Accidents During Economic Expansion: SeaTac’s focus on economic growth and development is evident in its numerous construction projects. Our expertise extends to representing those injured in construction accidents, navigating the complex legal landscape to secure rightful compensation.

Understanding SeaTac’s Unique Challenges

The city’s unique blend of urban convenience and proximity to natural landscapes positions SeaTac as an attractive place to live and work. However, this dynamic environment necessitates vigilant legal protection for residents and visitors alike. Premier Law Group is well-versed in addressing the diverse legal needs of SeaTac’s population, providing expert guidance and support through various personal injury matters.

If you’ve encountered a personal injury in SeaTac, WA, whether due to a traffic collision, a recreational accident, or a construction site incident, Premier Law Group is here to help. Our dedication to the SeaTac community drives us to offer personalized and effective legal solutions, ensuring you can focus on recovery and moving forward.

For a free consultation and to learn more about how we can assist you, please visit our contact page or give us a call. Let Premier Law Group be your advocate in SeaTac, navigating the complexities of personal injury law with expertise and compassion.

PLG’s Expert Personal Injury Lawyers for Edmonds, WA

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In Edmonds, WA, where the vibrant arts scene and the natural wonders seamlessly blend, the community thrives amidst museums, annual festivals, and stunning outdoor spaces. However, navigating through Edmonds, whether you’re on your way to appreciate its cultural offerings or exploring its beautiful landscapes, can sometimes lead to unforeseen circumstances, such as personal injuries. Premier Law Group is here to provide comprehensive legal services for those unexpected moments, ensuring residents and visitors alike are supported through challenging times.

Edmonds’ Cultural and Natural Setting: A Backdrop for Diverse Personal Injury Risks

As you immerse yourself in the arts hub of downtown Edmonds or take a leisurely bike ride along its scenic beaches and parks, the risk of personal injury incidents, unfortunately, does not take a pause. Premier Law Group specializes in a variety of cases that might arise in such an active and culturally rich environment:

  • Car Accidents: The bustling streets leading to Edmonds’ art festivals or museums could become sites of unexpected car accidents.
  • Motorcycle and Truck Accidents: With Edmonds being a crucial part of Snohomish County, the roads see a variety of vehicles, increasing the risk of motorcycle and truck accidents.
  • Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents: The city’s commitment to outdoor beauty and exploration means more residents and visitors on foot or two wheels, highlighting the need for vigilance and legal protection in case of accidents.
  • Dog Bite Cases: The communal nature of Edmonds, combined with its outdoor attractions, can sometimes lead to unfortunate dog bite incidents in parks or beaches.
  • Child Injury Cases: In a city that prides itself on being family-friendly, the welfare of our youngest residents is paramount, especially in public spaces where accidents can occur.
  • Wrongful Death and Construction Accident Cases: Premier Law Group also extends its expertise to the gravest of outcomes, including wrongful death and construction accidents, ensuring justice and support for affected families.

Navigating Legal Challenges with Premier Law Group

Edmonds’ rich history, from its early days as a mill town to its current status as a cultural and natural gem, reflects a community that values growth and preservation. However, as the city evolves, so does the complexity of navigating its spaces safely. Premier Law Group is dedicated to ensuring that you have the legal support needed to address personal injury concerns, allowing you to continue enjoying all that Edmonds has to offer.

Connect With Premier Law Group in Edmonds

If you’ve encountered a personal injury incident in Edmonds, WA, Premier Law Group is ready to assist. Our understanding of the local landscape, combined with our legal expertise, positions us to offer unmatched support and representation.

For a free consultation and to explore how we can assist you, please visit our contact page or reach out directly. Together, we can navigate the legal process, focusing on your recovery and well-being, allowing you to return to the Edmonds life you cherish.

Personal Injury Attorneys Servicing Shoreline, WA

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Shoreline, WA, stands as a testament to the beauty of the Pacific Northwest, offering residents and visitors alike breathtaking views of the Puget Inlet, along with beach access, extensive hiking trails, and vibrant skate parks. Perfectly positioned between the bustling city of Seattle and the serene Snohomish County border, Shoreline provides the ideal blend of urban amenities and natural beauty. This unique mix not only enhances the quality of life for its inhabitants but also fosters a strong sense of community amidst the tranquil environment and lush green spaces that define the city.

Premier Law Group: Advocating for Shoreline’s Community

In the harmonious blend of urban and natural settings that Shoreline offers, Premier Law Group is dedicated to serving the community with expert legal support in personal injury cases. Our commitment goes beyond mere representation; we aim to be a pillar of support for those navigating the aftermath of an accident, ensuring their rights are protected and voices heard.

Our Specialties: Comprehensive Personal Injury Services

At Premier Law Group, we understand the diverse activities Shoreline’s residents engage in can sometimes lead to unforeseen accidents and injuries. Our expertise spans a wide range of personal injury cases, ensuring that no matter the situation, you have skilled legal representation:

  • Auto and Motorcycle Accidents: Busy roadways and scenic drives can pose risks for drivers and motorcyclists alike.
  • Bicycle and Pedestrian Accidents: Shoreline’s trails and parks are perfect for cyclists and walkers but not without their hazards.
  • Dog Bites and Animal-Related Injuries: Even in community settings, unexpected animal encounters can occur.
  • Workplace and Construction Site Accidents: Employment in both urban and outdoor environments can lead to accidents.
  • Child Injuries and School Accidents: Our young ones’ active engagement in school activities and playgrounds sometimes leads to injury.
  • Wrongful Death: Tragically, some accidents result in loss of life, requiring compassionate legal care.
  • Brain and Spinal Injuries: These severe injuries demand specialized legal knowledge and representation.
  • Employment Law Issues: Workplace discrimination and wrongful termination cases are also within our realm of expertise.

Partnering with Shoreline’s Community

Shoreline’s charm lies not just in its landscapes but in the dynamic life its residents lead — from exploring the city’s parks to engaging in outdoor sports. Premier Law Group is here to ensure that this lifestyle is preserved, offering legal guidance and support to those affected by personal injuries. We believe in a community where everyone can enjoy Shoreline’s offerings safely and with peace of mind.

Reach Out for Support

If you find yourself in need of personal injury legal assistance in Shoreline, WA, do not hesitate to reach out to Premier Law Group. Our dedication to the community and expertise in personal injury law make us your ideal partner in seeking justice and compensation.

For a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help, please visit our contact page or give us a call. Let us stand by your side, ensuring you receive the dedicated support and expert representation you deserve.